“Not many people are as rich as Elizabeth,” Matteo countered.

“True. But still, we have some sources within our job and nothing like that has come to our attention,” Ryker countered.

“What were you to Elizabeth?” Damon interjected.

He clasped his hands together on the table. “Easiest way to put it is that we mutually used each other, you could say. We’re both very busy people. Or were. She’s obviously enjoying a long vacation right now. But we went to events together. Met for lunch when she was lonely. That sort of thing.”

Slater looked at Ryker’s screen, pointing to something. “Did she tell you about the man who stalked her?”


Julia touched Matteo’s arm, leaning a little his direction. “But it sounded preposterous, right, Matteo? Like why would anyone follow her? We had a good laugh about that one.”

“I think she snapped.” Matteo patted Julia’s hand before leaving it there. “She and Teddy had a few disagreements when it came to the company’s future. And when she saw that Teddy was gone and everyone would realize she was a fraud and couldn’t run Cassin Systems alone, she ran.”

Julia sniffed. “She never appreciated Teddy, the spoiled brat.”

Slater shifted to the right, blocking Damon as Xavier moved in closer. Smart move before he launched himself over the table.

“Your description of her doesn’t fit what others have said,” Slater said before Damon could speak. “You spent time with Elizabeth, both of you, and you think a woman like her would plot to kill her stepbrother?” Slater leaned his hands on thetable. “Because it takes a lot more than simple annoyance for an otherwise stable person to commit murder.”

“I’m not a psychologist,” announced Matteo, as though that eliminated the need to make sense of his thought of her being the murderer.

Slater shook his head. “When was the last time you saw her, Matteo?”

“Three weeks before Teddy’s death. We had lunch together to discuss the upcoming charity benefit.” He grinned and winked, looking even more like a scumbag. “Went back to my place afterward.”

Juliatskedunder her breath and looked away. “Never did understand how you could fake it through sleeping with her for the last five years.”

Damon fisted his hands by his side. “Did Elizabeth have any friends? Anyone that actually cared for her since you two never did?”

Missing the insult, Matteo laughed and said, “Friends?” Julia joined in with a small chuckle. “No. She didn’t have time for friends. Just her family and me and work. Mostly work. She didn’t believe in making friends with colleagues. It blurred the line.” He leaned forward and folded his hands. “Let me tell you about Elizabeth.”

“Please, do,” Damon said.

“Elizabeth is all business all the time. She hates to relax. Never slows down. Getting her to sit through an entire lunch without working is impossible. She scheduledeverything. I wasn’t surprised when they said she snapped and killed Teddy. My guess is he finally had enough of her micromanaging bullshit.”

“Who said that?” Slater asked. “Did you hear someone in law enforcement say they know she killed him? That they had evidence?” He laughed, which sounded strange given thecircumstances. “Because I’m not sure we’re the right people to find her if the police already have her pinned as the murderer. We typically find runaways.”

Matteo spread his fingers on the table. “Well, she did run away. And no, they didn’t say that exactly. But there’s a huge manhunt for her. I don’t know how she’s lasted this long in hiding. She cannot stand to sit by and let anyone else run Cassin Systems. It’s her baby.”

It was the first right thing he’d said about Ella.

“Do you think whoever killed Teddy might have gotten to Elizabeth, too?” Xavier asked. “I don’t understand why you’d assume she might be the killer or passing the time at some spa instead of being hurt or killed by the same individual. Or maybe she found Mr. Right and is holed up in some tiny apartment, living her best life. How do you jump to her being the murderer or lazy?”

“A man? You think…no. Oh.” He laughed and shook his head. “No. Not Elizabeth. I can guarantee you that she would not seek out a man. The woman is a step above frigid in the bedroom.”

“Ever think it was the wrong man in the bedroom?” Damon unfolded his arms and took a step, having reached his limit.

“What the hell?” Matteo stood as well. “Do you have a problem with me?”

“I have a problem with anyone that uses women.”

Xavier shoved Damon hard on the shoulder. “Alright, brother. You’re cut off for the day. Move it.”

With his hard stare locked on Matteo, Damon left the condo. It was either that or smash his fucking face in for using Ella that way.

“What the fuck?” Xavier gave Damon another push in his back toward the elevator. “We all know that was hard to hear, but since when can’t you keep it together?”