
“Do you mind if I look around?” Damon asked Julia, unable to stay still and taking the opening. “I’m interested in getting to see where she lived. Maybe something can help with the case,” he added at her vacant expression.

She lifted her shoulder, seeming indifferent. “I don’t see how. It’s an underwhelming apartment.”

Damon pushed off the wall, striding to the living room first and looking at the pictures on the bookshelf. That was Elizabeth. Alone in what might be Hawaii. Long brown hair pulled back into a low ponytail. Another picture of her skiing somewhere, again, alone. Then there was one with her father. She was younger and appeared to be standing outside of a sorority house. Damon smiled. It’s where she learned all her pool skills.

With a glimpse at Julia, engaged in conversation with Slater, Damon headed down the hallway. He passed a half bathroom and then an office. The office was empty, though. A desk and nothing else. As he continued down the hall, there was oneguest bedroom on the left. A few steps farther, he reached the main bedroom at the end of the hall. It was large, with a sitting area near a wall of windows overlooking downtown Atlanta. But similar to the office, it was empty, like she hadn’t added any personal touches to the room. The most personality it held was a yellow bedspread coordinating with tiny yellow accents around the room. Regular beige carpet. Tan walls. No pictures. The room smelled freshly painted. With a quick glance behind him, he stepped over the threshold. He went to her nightstand and slid open the top drawer. Empty. It was the same as the other side of the bed. He pulled out his phone and sent a text message to Ella.

Damon:Did you ever keep anything inside the top drawer of your nightstand?

Ella:Why are you in my condo?

The reply was nearly instant.

Damon:This is where Julia met us.

Ella:Don’t know how the hell she had a key, but yes. I had a novel in there I was reading. And my vitamins I took before I go to sleep.

Damon:There’s nothing here.

Ella:They should be. Go to the small dresser between the two chairs near the window.

He did. Opening the lid confirmed it was empty as well.


His phone rang.“I’m gonna hang up if Julia walks back here.”

“That’s fine. They should not be empty. That second dresser should have a memory box. It holds all the small awards my father made up and gave to me since I started working for thecompany. Who in the hell would take that?” Ella seemed frantic. “Check my closet.”

He crossed the room and pulled back the doors. God, he hated to be the one relaying this information to her. “Baby, I’m sorry, but there’s nothing here.”

“Shit. I have no idea what’s going on.”

“The only thing I’ve seen that even said you lived here were a few pictures in the livingroom.”

“Why would someone clean out my entire condo?”

“I don’t know, but I’ll ask Julia once Slater finishes his questioning. By the way, she is every bit of the word you called her.”

Ella laughed, although she did not sound happy about it. “Glad to know nothing has changed.”

“Julia seems pretty certain that the stalker you reported was made up and isn’t Teddy’s killer.” And what made it worse was that Ella had no alibi. Sure, she went Pilates and then to work, but there was still time to have killed Teddy.

He heard Ella sniff. “Ella…” he whispered, wishing he could be there. “We know you’re innocent. We’ll clear this up. I promise.”

“I hate being reminded how I have no one left.”

“You have me.”

Xavier poked his head into the room and motioned for him to come back.

“I’ve got to go. I’ll call you later.”

“Bye,” she murmured, sounding a little pitiful.

He returned to the dining room. It looked as though the interview was nearly over based on their preplanned questions. He stopped by Xavier in the living room, mumbling, “Things just got interesting.”