Damon glanced at Xavier. “What do you mean?”
“It seems like the two of you danced around this thing for a few days, and then bam! You’re together. Like, together together. Not just starting out, dating. Are you worried?”
He frowned. “About what?”
“About when her name is clear and she can return to her old life. Are you worried about what happens then? With the two of you.”
He studied her as she came their direction. “Think about it a lot. So much so that I’m having difficulty staying focused on what’s happening right now.”
“With her in Savannah and working this case?”
“No. I can compartmentalize the case. I want to stop worrying about the future and enjoy our time together. But it’s hard to jump in with the future uncertain. Especially hers. She’s relying on me.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “And I’m worried I’m going to let her down. I don’t like this feeling. You know I don’t play what-if games.”
“I know it.”
“But last night, I kept running through scenarios, and it’s driving me fucking crazy. Like what if we can’t clear her name? What if she goes to prison? What if we clear her name, and she goes back to her life, and this thing is over? What if this thing between us is bigger for me than it is for her? I don’t like being so unsettled. For her, this is only a small part of her life.”
“And for you?”
Damon tore his eyes away from Ella to look at Xavier. “For me? She’s it.”
“Damn,” Xavier said, smiling. “I’m happy for you.”
“But that’s another problem.Ellais it for me. I don’t know Elizabeth Cassin.” God, and saying it aloud made the worry real.
“You’re right with your first statement. This isn’t like you. You make a plan, and you stick to it. Stop second-guessing yourself.”
“And what exactly is my plan again? Because planning to fall for a billionaire wanted for murder in less than five days wasn’t on my bingo card when I woke up last Wednesday.”
“You’re so damn dramatic.” Xavier stepped in front of him, blocking his view of Ella. “I’m glad you found someone like her. And you’d be an idiot not to take the chance and see where this goes. As for the actual plan, it’s simple. We find the killer andclear her name. That’s the only plan you need to worry about. Everything else will fall into place.”
Damon nodded, appreciating the focus. “I can do that.”
“Then, when she’s allowed to return to her life, you convince her to stay.”
“And that’s where the plan falls the fuck apart.”
Ella and Ryker walked up to where they stood on the sidewalk.
“Any success?” Damon asked, trying to not let his annoyance at Xavier leak into his tone.
Ella headed straight to him, slipping an arm around his uninjured side. “You’ll have to ask your buddy. He wouldn’t let me look at anything.”
Her presence made the tension drain from his body. He kissed the top of her head, then addressed Ryker. “How did it go?”
“Everyone gave us access. I’m organizing the files,” he said, preoccupied with his one-handed typing.
Kissing her lips, Damon smiled. “Is that what you wanted?”
“Yes.” She smiled, resting her hand on his stomach. “Did you have luck?”
“Found the cell phone.” He directed his next statement to Ryker. “The bar said you can get their footage, too. Did any of the places you visited have cameras on the back door?”
“One did. I wondered if he left that way.”
“Me, too. Why don’t you two post up at the bar where he disappeared? Give you a chance to look at the videos?” Damon took Ella’s hand. “I’m going to walk down River Street and back with Ella. I doubt I’ll find anything, but I want to know what’s around. It’s been a while since I’ve come down here. They’ve added on since then.”
Ella passed Ryker’s book bag to Xavier.