She sniffed again. “I’m worried. I know I’ve never done that before, but is it supposed to make you hear and smell bacon frying?” Because that’s what she smelled.
He laughed. “That’s Xavier. He’s been here for about thirty minutes already.”
She pushed on his shoulder, forcing him to sit back as she sat up. “He can walk into your house? No call? No warning?” Then it dawned on her. “Oh. My. God. He heard me.”
“I doubt he listened. If he’s here, it’s for a good reason.”
“What reason?”
“I don’t know yet. I opted to start my day with you instead of him.”
She dropped her forehead in her hands. “I’m still embarrassed.” She sighed, trying to get past it, and looked back at him. “Why is he cooking us breakfast?”
“Xavier likes to cook. But if he’s here, I’m afraid our lazy Sunday is probably not going to happen. Sorry.”
Ella trailed a finger down the center of his chest, pondering what it would be like to return the favor from this morning. “That may be your loss.”
“I know it is, and not because of what you’re implying with that look. C’mon. Let’s get some food while it’s hot.”
They took turns in the bathroom, Ella finding an oversized sweatshirt of his to tug on over her thin T-shirt before leaving the bedroom.
“Maybe I can cook for us sometime? I wanted to learn how.” She waited as he pulled a T-shirt over his head. “Are you picky?”
“Me?” He laughed as he draped his arm over her shoulder, guiding her to the kitchen. “I’m the least picky person possible when it comes to food.”
Xavier turned his head as the bedroom door opened, taking one earbud out of his ear. “Did you say something?”
“I told her I’m not picky about food,” Damon repeated.
Ella looked at the floor, praying he’d put those earbuds inbeforeDamon woke her up the way he did.
Xavier smiled. “Don’t lie to her. You hate all the places we try to go to for dinner.” He wore workout clothes, like he’d come straight from the gym.
“Because I like to eat food that’s not hamburgers and chicken fingers, unlike the rest of you. In other words, I like to eat like an adult.”
“If you enjoy steak, I know an excellent restaurant in Tokyo we should try when this is over.” Ella went straight to the counter. “Are these apple Danish?”
“They are. I met with a new tenant yesterday. She’s opening a bakery and gave me these. Her name is Holly.” He grinned at Damon. “You’re right. She is a very happy woman.”
Ella picked up a Danish that looked like it had apple in the center. “Can I go ahead and eat? I’m starving.”
Damon leaned over her and kissed her temple, reaching for his own. “I bet you are,” he murmured.
She elbowed him away, looking to see if Xavier had heard him.
Patting her bottom, he took a big bite of the Danish she held and winked. He’d get tired of her telling him this, but this part of the relationship was another first for her. She’d never been with a man this way, flirty and cute, openly affectionate. It was fun.
Ella sat down at Damon’s small table, studying him as he poured coffee. Xavier stood beside him, the width of their shoulders filling up the length of the counter.
“This isn’t normal, you know. I realize I don’t have much experience with staying over places, but this”—she motioned to the two men with her Danish as they turned toward her—“isn’t normal.”
“What isn’t normal? Breakfast?” Xavier asked, holding up a piece of bacon. “I love breakfast food.” He popped it into his mouth.
“Breakfast is normal. I meantthis. When a girl stays over at a guy’s place and then the guy’s best friend shows up to cook them breakfast. Little odd. You have to admit it.”
Xavier went back to pulling the bacon out of the pan. “I didn’t know you stayed over last night, or else I would’ve sent a heads-up text. That’s what friends do.”
Ella swallowed her last bite and nodded. “Well, in the future, if you consider you and me friends, I would appreciate that heads-up text.”