“She did.”

Unsure whether to be irritated or amused at her stubbornness, he decided to stick to the point. “And now I am.”

“And if I say no? I never take them off.”

“Then you don’t get to work at Cager. The idea is to stay incognito and safe. Take off the jewelry, or I’ll have Slater take you back to your apartment and stick around until he feels comfortable that no one has followed you.”

“Why would Slater take me home?” She crossed her ankles, tipping her head to the side and studying Damon for a beat. “And not you?”

She didn’t mean it that way.

He had to tell himself that because it didn’t match the question he perceived in those blue eyes.

“Because as much as I feel that I can protect you, I’m going to make sure the man with the gun keeps you as safe as possible.”

Her lips formed an O, and she nodded. “I see.”

“Good.” Damon held out his hand. “I’ll hold them for you.” When she didn’t move immediately, he added, “This isn’t up for discussion. You came to us to keep you safe and I am.”

“I came to you for a job and for help finding my stalker. You offered to keep me safe.”

“And you accepted my help.”

“And that means I do what you say?”

“Yes. It’s already a huge risk for you to be out in public. So, either take them off or you’re fired.”

They stayed locked in a silent stare for nearly a full thirty seconds before she caved. “Ugh.” She unclasped the watch and set it in his outstretched hand. She worked off the earrings next. And then the pearls.

Clutching her jewelry, Damon set his hand in his lap.

Ella didn’t move, her cheeks more flushed than before.

“Lacy is slammed at the bar,” he said, trying to prompt her to return to work without demanding it. He already felt like an asshole, but it was for her own good.

“When do I get them back?” She rubbed her throat, tipping her head to the side and exposing her neck. “God, I feel naked.”

The immediate image tightened his hand on her jewelry, the backs of the diamond earrings digging painfully into his hand.

Slater snickered. It wasn’t loud enough for Ella to hear over the music and noise of the bar, but Damon caught it. Which meant his friend caught his response.

Damon cleared his throat. “Go back to work. Learn the job before it gets busier tomorrow. I’ll return your jewelry to your body once you’re safe inside your apartment.”

“Will Slater still drive me home?”

He ought to say yes, insist that Slater escort her instead of him, and sidestep the whole ordeal. Yet, there he was, rising to his feet and tucking her jewelry into his jeans pocket. Despite recognizing the need for space, his decision remained unchanged. “No,” he declared, his gaze dropping to meet hers. “I’ll take you home at the end of the night.”

She looked down at the ground, failing to hide her smile before turning on her heel and carrying the tray back to the bar.

“Well. That was…interesting.” Ryker laughed and shook his head. “I wonder what about that conversation made her smile?”

“I think our client has a crush on you,” Xavier added.

“No shit.” Slater laid his arm across the back of the booth. “But what was funnier was watching Mr. Cool over here nearly lose his cool.”

Damon sat down. “I’m fully in control of my cool and don’t know what you mean.” He’d stay on the right side of the relationship.

“Really? Because I have the distinct impression that if you met our Ms. Ella outside of this context, you’d use all that charm that you’re trying to stuff down and ask her out on a date.” Slater glanced across the bar. “And I bet she’d say yes. Y’all would have an intellectually satisfying dinner where you’d be polite and respectful. Then you’d end up at your apartment?—”