She doubled over, bawling uncontrollably.

It was the first time she’d cried since finding Teddy. The only time she’d let fear, stress, and hunger overtake her determination to keep her shit together.

The engine vibrated as he backed out of the parking spot. She kept her face hidden as he drove, trying to regain control of the flood.

“Ella, we’re here.” He turned off the car. “C’mon. The sooner we get you into the apartment, the sooner you can relax.” He opened his door and left, not waiting for a response.

She sniffed and wiped her face on the bottom of her black T-shirt. “Get it together,” she murmured. It was like her father had spoken the words, and her emotions quickly disappeared into the dark closet she’d shoved them into before.

As she stood from the car, she heard Xavier ask, “What the hell did you do to her?”

“Nothing,” Damon shot back. “She’s just so fucking exhausted and hungry. I think it finally caught up with her.” He put his hands on his hips, looking at a door on the second floor of the apartment complex. “This will be good. I can get her settled and safe and then focus on the runaway. Is there a suitcase or anything to take up there?”

Xavier opened the trunk. “Not much of anything. How has she survived for a month like this?”

Damon spotted her lingering near his car. “Want to see your new place?”

“Sure.” She took two tentative steps before shoving the last tail end of fear back down and straightening her shoulders. No more breakdowns. Damon had offered to help, and that’s what he was doing. And he was right. She was exhausted.

“That’s your apartment. Here’s the key.” Damon passed it to her. “Xavier, walk her up, please. I’ll go change, and then I’ll be there.”

“Thank you for doing this.” She started to reach for her bags, but Xavier beat her to it.

He leaned past her, picking up three plastic bags. They contained essentials she’d purchased over the last month.

“I hope we can help you clear this up soon.” He let her walk up the stairs ahead of him, waiting as she unlocked the door. “Although, for the time being, you’ll be safer here than out there, living in your car. But damn, what a car to live in.”

Ella let out a long sigh. She felt safer knowing Damon was only a few steps away. The place was furnished with neutral furniture. Sofa. Chair. Dining room table that seated four. A nice television on the wall. She investigated the rest of it. One bedroom with a king-size bed. The bathroom was nice, with a tiled shower. Towels on the counter. Small hotel-type bottles ofshampoo and soap already in the shower. What did they use this for? People like her?

She heard voices in the living room and went to investigate. Xavier stepped outside as Damon entered. He’d changed from the luxury suit into a pair of jeans, boots, and a T-shirt like he’d worn at Cager. He looked just as strong as Xavier.

Damon smiled as he held up a bottle of wine. “Housewarming gift.”

Her stomach quivered. She hadn’t known what Damon Vargas looked like before showing up at Cager, but good thing or else she would’ve been nervous simply meeting him.

Damon walked into the kitchen with the wine. “I ordered you a few different options for dinner. I’ll be by in the morning with a new cell phone and debit card for your use.” He twisted the wine opener into the cork, pulling it out with a soft pop. “I’d suggest you drink this and wait on your dinner before showering. It should be here in about twenty minutes.” He poured her a massive glass of red wine and held it out. “Wine, food, shower, and bed. The best I can do right now. Tomorrow, the guys and I will start working on how to get your life back.”

“I don’t know what it says about me that I’m about to drink an entire bottle of wine by myself.”

“It says nothing,” he answered, passing her the glass before holding out his hand. “I need your phone.”

She gave it over. “I turned off cellular data and only used it when I had to on Wi-Fi.”

“I’m not worried about the past but the future. It’s safer if it’s gone. Lock the door behind me, and don’t open it aside from your food delivery.”

She sipped the wine, the familiar flavor exploding in her mouth. Immediately, she spun the bottle around to face her. “I love this wine. I have”—she inhaled sharply at the suddenreality check—“hadfour bottles at my apartment when I had the company ship me a case.”

He crossed to the door. “Small world. I did the same.” He turned back and flicked the back of the doorknob, giving her a stern look. “Lock it up, Ella. Stay put.”

She did, rushing over and locking the deadbolt and a larger bolt on the side. The panic of her situation sat in the back of her throat. Right there, waiting for her to give in to the weakness again. She drank a bigger gulp of wine. Wine. Food. Shower. Sleep. That was all she wanted. She’d deal with the fear tomorrow.


“So, what do we want to talk about first?” Xavier asked Damon the moment he sat down. “Ella or the runaway case? My vote is for Ella. We’ve never had something like that come across our desk before. When the runaway is the fugitive and turns themselves in.”

“There’s nothing to talk about with Ella. Not today, at least. We need to focus on the runaway’s case first. That’s time-sensitive.” Because he didn’t know where his mind stood on Ella.

Xavier leaned back against the headrest briefly before asking, “Why did you take Ella a bottle of wine? I’ve never known you to give any of our other clients a housewarming gift. Especiallythatwine.”