“I want to talk to Zach. Give me a few minutes.” She let her arms drop to her side. “I really need this closure, Dewey.”
His face tightened, but he gave her a curt nod. “We’ll be watching. He makes one wrong move, takes one step toward you that I don’t like, and I’m there.”
“Thank you.” She kissed his cheek as she passed by. Opening the door, she ignored every type of glance sent her way. Cameron did look amused. Uncle Jimmy appeared a little embarrassed.
Her dad was annoyed like usual.
“Hi, Mr. Richmond.” Their lawyer had arrived. He seemed oblivious to what might have occurred behind the closed door. Dewey’s hand rested on her shoulder. Support. She had his protection, but she’d take her independence and handle Zach. Air out everything they needed to say once and for all.
Mr. Richmond held up the file. “I have all the paperwork. If he can sign the release, it will help expedite the process, but it’s not truly necessary.”
Eliza nodded and stepped through the gauntlet of men. Her dad stopped her at the door. “Where are you going?”
Before she could answer, Dewey’s hand pressed against the small of her back, nudging her through the door. “She’s going to talk to Zach first.”
“Who said?” Her dad demanded.
Dewey’s answer made her smile as she left the building. “She did.”
Eliza stepped into the warm sunlight to wait in the parking lot of the Sheriff's office. Dewey was inside at the window, watching. Knowing him, he hoped Zach would do something stupid, so he could arrest him. Or hurt him. But he’d supported her decision to have time alone. She might not get another opportunity.
She wanted to clear the air with Zach before they presented him, again, with the papers for him to sign.
And before Dewey came face-to-face with Zach.
Or Cameron.
She’ll never know what Zach said to Cameron at Rhonda’s, but it didn't take much to get Cameron riled up. Cameron hadn't offered an explanation.
She chewed on the edge of her thumbnail, feeling a little pain from having chewed it so short. She'd already destroyed her nails after they were the most probable cause for the broken condom situation. Leave it to her to try and do something sexy only to end up pregnant afterward.
“Stop,” she whispered to the parking lot. Inviting trouble before it happened only made her miserable. It was the wrong time of the month to get pregnant anyway.
An annoying, minuscule voice reminded her that she'd had the same thought after Dewey left Alabama, and they hadn't used any protection.
Zach, riding a motorcycle, pulled into the parking lot. His bike looked new. Pressure built in her brain. He'd claimed for the past year that he didn't have any money for child support. He was such a liar.
He swung his leg over his bike, pulling off his helmet, and setting it on the seat before turning her direction. A faint black eye and bruise along his jaw made his face slightly distorted. He'd gained weight. Maybe twenty pounds. Why had she ever considered him handsome?
“I can't believe this shit,” he muttered as he made his way to her. His voice grew louder. “I supported you for ten years—”
“Shut up,” she snapped, so tired of it before he could even get started blaming her somehow. “Every time I tried to leave, you fought against it.” She was stronger now. Had four good men inside, watching, hoping for Zach to cause trouble so they could take out their own frustration. The support gave her more confidence.
“We loved each other before you got pregnant—”
“No,” she said, not caring if she interrupted him again. “I realize now we never had anything. I left Statem with you because I was running away, and I pretended you were the solution. We had fun together, at first, but it was never love. I know now what love is.”
“I didn't realize the cop you screwed was true love.”
Her eyes narrowed. Zach enjoyed a fight, any fight, and knew exactly how to push her. It wouldn't work this time.
“I was referring to Carrie,” she said between clenched teeth. Her jaw hurt with the effort to keep her tone even. The lawyer had warned her not to lose her cool. A few minutes ago, that seemed like an easy feat.
“Right. Like you’re not back here, screwing the cop again. Almost like you planned it all from the beginning.”
She crossed her arms. “Just sign the papers and leave, Zach. I don’t want you in my life, and Carrie doesn’t either.”