That was her out. She turned, planted both hands on Trevor’s chest, and nicely shoved him back two steps. “Let’s go.”
“Go?” He glanced around. “Dinner hasn’t started. I don’t get to escape yet.”
“I forgot something in the car.” Samantha grabbed her purse near the door and walked out, her hand dragging Trevor along. He needed a break and time to breathe. They both did.
He chugged along behind her until they reached his car. He tugged her arm lightly, turning her around. “Are you alright? You sounded extraordinarily happy.”
She threw her head back and laughed. “It’s funny that you’re wondering why I was happy.”
His sullen mood didn’t budge. “No, it’s not. We were talking to my parents. I’m never happy talking to both of them. My mom is alright. But my dad still hasn’t forgiven me for not getting a regular job.”
“Do you want his forgiveness?”
Trevor looked past her shoulder. “Acceptance.” He met her eyes before looking down. “But that’s not happening.”
Samantha stepped to him, wrapping her arms around his waist.
“I just get tired of fighting with him. I know how I want to live my life. Free. I want to come and go without regrets.”He looked over her shoulder, avoiding her gaze. “Without hurting anyone. And I don’t want to be chained to a job, obsessed with money. I…I can’t.”
“I know.” Samantha rose on her toes, meeting his mouth in a soft kiss. But they both wanted more. His hands tightened along her shoulders before he slid his fingers into the back of her hair. His other hand cupped her rear, pulling her tight and flush against his body.
The parking lot of the bar wasn’t the most private of venues, but hopefully, no one would look too hard in the shadows.
One thought plagued her. Was his determination to remain “free” so strong that no matter what she did, no matter how much he was in love with her, Trevor would never cave?
He’d never need her the way she needed him.
His lips bruised hers with the increasing pressure. His hand gripped her body like he had to hold on or else die. The man was starving for affection.
For a connection deeper than what he thought he wanted to survive.
He just couldn’t acknowledge it.
“Let’s go. We can go to Addie’s or back to the bed and breakfast.” His words were low and deep, his lips pressing against the column of her throat and moving lower. “Sam?”
“We can last until the rehearsal dinner is over. You can’t leave. You have a speech to give.” She arched her back as his hand closed over her breast. “Even though the idea is tempting.”
“Addie will forgive me, I’m sure.”
“Trevor.” She willed her eyes open, too easy to keep them close and ignore the rest of the world. She’d tried that once. Nothing got better. “You wouldn’t let me run away from my problems and hide. Tonight is for Addie.” She nudged him back so she could see his face. “It’s not for you or your dad. It’s not for your mom. It’s for Addie and Cameron. You’ve gone through a lot of trouble to make sure her wedding goes off without any problems. Let’s get through the next two days.”
Some of the tension left his shoulders. “You’re right.” He took her hand, linking their fingers together. “But stay with me tonight. All night.”
She nodded. She’d be what he needed, and hope, somewhere in his mind, that he realized he could have it all.
He tried. No one could say he didn’t try to avoid his dad, avoid the situation, avoid the fight. But his dad’s disapproval tainted everything.
Trevor sat beside Grayson, drinking a beer that had gone warm, waiting for the damned night to be over. He sure as hell hoped Sam would come back and stay with him tonight. Or he with her. She’d agreed to it earlier, during their five minutes alone, but who knew now. His dad must have insulted him, her, everyone at the party dozens of times by now.
Addie should have eloped.
“If looks could kill…” Grayson whistled low. “I’m surprised you and Nick haven’t scared away the rest of the party. Although, knowing these guys, any drama not happening to them is entertainment.”
“I hate it for Addie more than myself. She has to push through this with a fake smile.” And all he’d wanted was to make sure her wedding went perfectly.
“I think your sister is fine. She has Becky and Juliana planted by her side, running interference. They can plot and scheme better than the character I play.” He huffed out a laugh. “I think I saw Juliana giving the writer on my set a few ideas last month. I never knew my girl had such a dark imagination on ways to kill people.”