“I don’t think there’s much to fake between us any longer.”

Addie patted him on the shoulder. “Let me help.”

“You always like to help people, four-eyes.”

“You’ve set a good example for me.”

Cameron dropped an arm across Addie’s shoulders. “Why did you slug me when I called you ‘four-eyes’ as a nickname? I’ve always thought you looked cute in your glasses.”

“Because I trademarked it.” Trevor stepped away from the happy couple and fixed a plate of lasagna with a side salad. L.A. had some amazing places to eat, but he’d probably never be the same after eating Becky’s cooking.

Trevor took the last seat at the table, right beside Samantha.

She nodded at something Eliza said across the table and ignored him as he sat down. His leg brushed hers under the table, and she stiffened. They should be past that. He patted her thigh under the table.

Addie, her plate in her hand, stopped beside the table instead of walking to the living room. “Samantha, I wanted to invite you and Trevor to the movies.”

“I’m in.” Trevor nudged Samantha.

“I need to work.”

Becky snapped her eyes to Samantha’s. “Says who? You need to go out. Have fun. The diner survived without you before, it will last for you to go out on a date.”

Samantha looked at Addie and then back at Becky. Finally, she glanced at Trevor. “I guess our fake relationship will finally be official.”


Amovie. She paced her room, hands wringing together until her fingers were sore. She’d gone to the movies before. With friends. With Jasper. Dates in high school. It wasn’t the event that had her nerves on high alert.


And her clothes.

Stage costumes were one thing. The audience didn’t judge you. They assumed you were supposed to dress that way. The sad part was that she’d spent so much time in either rehearsals or performances, her casual clothes were pretty sorry. Yoga pants. Old jeans. Since she started waitressing at the diner, she wore mostly clothes that toddlers could throw milkshakes on, and it not matter.

“Samantha?” Her name was followed up by a knock. “Are you ready?”

Addie. Relief rushed through her as she opened the door.

“Well,” Addie said, pausing and tilting her head to the side. “Purple yoga pants and a T-shirt is one look. But your makeup and hair are nice.”

“I have no clue what to wear.” The declaration leaving her lips sounded sad.

“Alright.” Addie moved into the room as Cameron appeared in the doorway. She turned around pushed him on the chest. “Go play with Trevor and give me ten minutes.”

“Bossy,” he said.

“Get used to it.” She closed the door.

“You were playing, right? I don’t want you two to fight this close to your wedding because of me.”

Addie set her purse down. “Yes, we were playing. C’mon. Show me what we have to work with.” She turned the corner in the room and stared at the pile of clothes on the bed. “Alright, better than nothing. Let’s see.” Without hesitation, she began digging around the pile, pulling out clothes and making a secondary pile in the corner. She held up a pair of blue jeans. “No. He’s seen you in jeans.”

“Of course, he has. That’s all I wear.”

“We need something that makes him drool.”

“We are talking about your brother, right?”