He held out his hand. “Let me see.”


He wiggled his fingers. “Because if it’s candy, then I’m going to beg for some. I love candy. If it’s a breath mint and you’re planning on taking advantage of me later, I want to be prepared.” His slow smile melted her insides. “I’mreallyhoping it’s not candy.”

“I hate to disappoint you, but I have no plans of seducing you later.” She pulled out the roll and flashed him the label. “See. I have occasional stomach aches, and these seem to help.”

His eyebrows drew together. “How many rolls of those do you go through? I’ve noticed you eating them before.”

“In a day?”

“I was wondering in more like a week, but if you can measure it in a day, then I think I have my answer. Sam, that’s not healthy.”

“You know, you and my therapist have a lot in common. You should try asking her out.”

It was a snarky reply he didn’t deserve, but Samantha was doing the best she could. Her therapist had mentioned that the antacids probably only worked mentally, like a placebo pill she thought made her feel better. Whatever the reason, Samantha wasn’t giving them up.

But what shocked her was the use of her old nickname, the one everyone in New York used. “You called me Sam.”

The severe concern on his face remained, but his voice lightened. “Is that okay?”

She almost wished it wasn’t. If she could put Trevor in a box, separate from her real life, she could enjoy the small amount of time she had with him in Statem before going back to New York. Calling her “Sam” made him real.

Refraining from pushing another chalky tablet from her antacid roll, she slipped them back into her pocket. “Sam is just a nickname that people in New York call me sometimes. Including Jasper.”

“Oh?” His expression turned playful again. “I can guarantee that’s all I have in common with your ex-fiancé. For now, let’s focus on the song. Unless you’ve reconsidered seducing me? If will help you get over Jasper, I’m here for you.”

She laughed. “You’d make that sacrifice?”


The humor felt out of place, considering the turmoil inside her. Trevor simply confused her emotions. He brought back the memories of her life with Jasper and then changed them.

Her nickname from his lips felt intimate. She suddenly only wanted Trevor to be the one to call her that. Dangerous thoughts. He’d end up nothing more than a rebound if she let herself think that direction. Well, she was alreadythinkingthat direction, but acting on it wouldn’t happen.

“I’ll sing a song just so we can see how we work together, but I’m afraid to sing here.” She motioned to the small room. “I’m fairly certain this entire house will hear me. I’m a stage performer. Loud is sort of my thing.”

“I already talked to the landlady. She said that most of the guests would be gone this afternoon. She runs to the grocery store at about two o’clock each day. That’s one reason I picked this time. We’re alone.”

Samantha ran her hands on her blue jeans. Alone. And with the way Trevor watched her, he knew exactly how that sounded.

“Good. That’s good. Then play the Celine Dion song on your list. I feel the need to belt something out.” Break out of the cobwebs in her mind. SingingMy Heart Will Go Onat the top of her lungs should shake her out of her mind. It took so much vocal control and focus. She wanted the challenge. It always made her smile. No way she couldn’t hit those notes, and it not relax her.

Trevor pulled up the sheet music on his iPad. “Alright. Let’s do this.”

“I thought you’ve never performed before.”

“I’ve never had a reason to perform. Getting to listen to you sing is worth it.” He set his guitar across his knee, unaware of how much that meant to her.

She stood up from the sofa and walked to the window. She’d warmed up a little in the shower earlier. Not necessarily to the extent that she needed to perform that song, but it would have to do. Trevor began the first notes of the song, and Samantha closed her eyes, oddly remembering the music video fromyearsago, and sang.

As the last note died away, she let the relaxation wash over her, like the singing cleansed her emotions for that one moment.

She turned and faced Trevor.

He stared at her, eyes a little wide, his body unmoving.

“You played that well.”