He pulled out and back in, her breath mingling with his as she picked up the rhythm.

He’d never thought it would be like this for him. Soul-shaking. He buried his face against her neck. Everything was happening too fast. He’d wanted to feast on her all night, but there was no turning back. Nothing could pull him away from the woman who called out his name as her body stiffened under his.

Every ounce of discipline he’d tapped into all evening dissolved in one heartbeat.

That life-altering thought slammed through his mind again

Samantha was his.


Samantha sat up with a start. Blinking a few times, she cleared the haze of sleep. Sunlight filtered into the room through a crack in the curtains. The bed beside her, where Trevor had slept, now empty. She caught the low murmur of his voice from the living room.

Snagging his dress shirt, she buttoned it before walking to the door. Last night had been perfect. But she knew it wouldn’t last. Her stomach cramped with the thought of leaving Statem and coming back to New York alone. He had a life in California when he wasn’t on location with Grayson. Split coasts might work, but the travel would be one sided while she was engaged in a show.

She pushed her messy hair away from her face. Later. The questions could remain unanswered for the moment. She nudged open the door, not meaning to eavesdrop, but he spoke before she could make herself known.

“No, I’m not taking her on as a client. No. Listen.” He sighed and faced the window overlooking New York. “Why is this any of your business? If I want to date her, I will. I don’t need your permission.” His hand formed a fist. “I don’t care about whatever picture you saw. Why are you even reading the entertainment news anyway?” He half-laughed. “Of course, she did. I’m sorry to disappoint you, but I’m not expanding my clients. Grayson is it.”

He turned, catching her in the doorway.

Busted. She lifted her hand in a lame wave.

He shook his head. Was he exasperated because of her? That seemed so unlike him. Especially after last night. He didn’t have to be her agent. Not if it caused this much trouble with whoever he spoke to on the phone.

“Yeah. See you soon.” He hung up. “Sorry if I woke you up.”

She fiddled with the bottom button of his dress shirt she wore. “No. It’s fine.”

He held up his phone. “My dad.”

“Oh.” That made a little more sense. “It seems he’s not too happy with you and me together.”

Trevor shook his head and crossed the room. “Opposite. He sees you as an opportunity for me to take on more clients and earn more money.”

Most people would want more money but not Trevor. She stepped into his arms when he opened them. “Then I won’t complicate things and ask you to help me.”

“You aren’t complicating anything. He does this whenever he thinks he’s about to prove a point. That’s the only reason he called. We were photographed together in some entertainment blog that my mom reads. It mentioned that I was your new agent/love interest. He pounced on it.”

Love interest. Was he? She never felt this way with Jasper before. Never felt so complete and at ease. She pressed her cheek to his chest, soaking in his heat and strength, letting her mind wander into dangerous territory. What if they didn’t have an expiration date? What if they could make it work?

Would he even be open to talking about it? Maybe. Maybe not. Right now, he seemed stuck on the agent thing.

“Can you help me find a new agent?”

“I said I’d help you, Sam. I’m not going to let my dad mess up anything between us. He’s been angry at me ever since I decided to only work for Grayson.”

She leaned back, studying him. “What else is eating at you?”


“You’re keeping something from me. That hurts. Especially since you know everything about me. All my bad mistakes and public humiliation.”

Trevor took a deep breath. “I’m still trying to figure things out.”

She brushed her fingers along his hairline. “With your dad? Or Grayson?” She kissed his lips lightly and whispered, “or me?”

“Not my dad. There’s nothing to figure out there.”