Page 92 of Never Fall Again

“He told me he was headed to Eastern Europe, but”—Landry held out her hands—“I don’t want to accuse an innocent man of anything. He’s never been anything but kind. He asks about Eliza. He tips well. He always makes it a point to take a class of some type from me while he’s here. And he’s almost never here alone. He always brings a friend or two, and they make a big party out of it.”

Gray wrote for another thirty seconds, then turned his attention to Cal. “Do you think Mo could find a guy who doesn’t want to be found in Eastern Europe?”

Cal considered it. “If he can’t, he knows someone who can.”

“Let’s get him on it.” Gray slid his notebook into his pocket and focused on Landry. “Are you going to Meredith’s?”


“Good. I think you should plan to stay there for a while.”

“So I’ve been told.” Landry cut her eyes to Cal.

“He’s not wrong.” Gray patted her arm. “We’ll get your life back for you, Landry. Hang in there.”

Cal followed Landry back to her place and hung out on her porch while she packed. When she was ready to go, he followed her to his carport and unloaded her bags.

Landry barely spoke.

“I’m getting the feeling you need some space.”

She sat on Meredith’s sofa and rubbed her hand on her throat. “I don’t want to be ungrateful, Cal. But I need a few minutes before Eliza gets here to pull myself together. I don’t know what’s wrong. I’m just very tired.”

“If you want to take a nap, I’m sure Naomi and Chad—”

“No. I appreciate everything they’ve done. So much. But I need her here with me.”

“Okay.” Cal took a step toward the door. “I’ll get out of your hair.”


He paused. “Yeah?”

“Sometimes I need space.”


“That’s how I’m wired. It doesn’t mean I...I don’t...or I...”

Cal took the three steps necessary to reach Landry. He squatted down beside her. “You don’t have to explain. I like my space too.”

She waved her hand around them. “Your living arrangement would argue against that.”

“My living arrangement isproofof that. We could have built one house and moved in together. We talked about it for about thirty seconds, then we laughed for thirty minutes. You’ve been surrounded by people for hours. Needing a little distance is normal.”

“I don’t need a lot of distance. Just a little. For a little while.”

Cal was going to lose his mind if he didn’t kiss her.Not now. Not now.“Good. Because I’m only going to be about thirty feet away, and I won’t be gone long.”


He stood and beat a hasty retreat to Mo’s place. If he’d stayed another second...

No. Nope. Nada. Not now.

