She agreed. There were so many things she wanted to say. So many questions she wanted to ask. So much she didn’t understand. But the only thing she knew for sure was that the right thing was to take care of Eliza—mind, body, and soul. And what Eliza needed was the assurance that the man who was now buckling her into the car would make sure she made it home.
Cal climbed into the passenger seat without a word, and the car was silent until she put it in park beside his truck. He opened the door, then turned to her. “Could I have a word?”
“Of course.” She undid her seat belt and climbed out of the car. Cal met her at the rear bumper. “I’ll stay right behind you. And I’m coming inside when we get to your place. I won’t leave until Eliza’s settled. Okay?”
For the first time in Eliza’s entire life, and that included the two years her father was alive, Landry didn’t feel the full weight of responsibility for managing the situation. Cal was here. Cal was going to stay until they were settled. Cal...
She shut down those thoughts. Shewasresponsible. Cal wasn’t. Cal never would be, and she would do well to remember that. “You don’t have to—”
“I would have followed you home whether Eliza asked or not.” Cal moved until he was mere inches from her. He kept his voice low, but his eyes burned with intensity. “There’s no way I’m lettingyou out of my sight until I know you’re safely behind the doors of your home.”
“Okay.” She could have argued with him, but why? She didn’t mind. And his presence would make navigating the dark, winding road to The Haven far less stressful. A creeping anxiety flitted around the edge of her mind, and Cal’s presence was the only thing keeping it from tackling her and putting her in a submission hold she wouldn’t be able to break.
Cal walked to her door and opened it. “Lock your doors, and don’t leave the parking lot until I’m behind you. When we get to your place, stay in your car until I’m parked and beside you.”
“Got it.” She climbed back in, buckled up, and twisted to give Eliza a reassuring smile.
“Is he still coming?” Eliza asked.
“Of course. Cal will be right behind us.”
“Good.” The quaver in her voice had Landry second-guessing every decision she’d made in the last few weeks.
When they were ensconced on the grounds of The Haven, rarely leaving or interacting with anyone in town, they’d avoided drama. Since she’d decided it was time to not only build a house but also have a life in Gossamer Falls, Favors had burned to the ground and the perpetrator had left a note that might or might not have been intended for Landry and Eliza.
And now? A gun-toting masked man on a playground after dark. A man who spoke to her daughter! She bit back the scream of frustration that tingled on her lips.
Why had he wanted to know Eliza’s name?
Why was he even there?
What would have happened if the girls had told him their names?
The questions flooded through her for the entire twenty-minute drive to The Haven’s gates.
As promised, Cal stayed directly behind her. Far enough not toblind her as she drove but close enough that no car could squeeze between them. When she drove through the gates, he stayed on her tail. And when she parked in her assigned space, he pulled into the space beside her, then backed out and pulled behind her, parking perpendicular to her car.
She stayed in her seat until he opened her door. He offered her his hand, and she took it. When she was out of the car, he opened the back door and repeated the action for Eliza.
“Do you have everything?” He tapped Eliza on her hard hat. “Looks like you came away with some good loot there, Liza Lou.”
Landry had her house keys in her hand and led the way to the door. Behind her, she heard Eliza chattering away. “I think I did. It’s heavy.”
“Heavy’s a good sign. Let’s get it inside so you can show me.”
Landry opened the door and ushered everyone in. As soon as they were in, she turned to lock the door. Cal leaned close and whispered, “I’m going to clear the house. Keep Eliza beside you. It will take thirty seconds.”
Before she could react, he slipped away.
She pulled Eliza close to her. “You were so brave, sweetheart. I’m so proud of you.” Cal wasn’t back yet, so she kept going. “I love you. So much.”
“I love you too, Mommy.”
Landry squeezed her again until Eliza squirmed for release. But she didn’t let go until Cal came back and gave her a thumbs-up. “Before you do anything else, go to your bathroom and wash your hands.”
“Yes, ma’am.” Eliza paused at the edge of the room. “Don’t leave, Cal. We have to look at my stuff.”
“I’ll be here.”