Page 54 of Never Fall Again

“You knew they were there?”

“That crowd’s been showing up off and on all week.” Cal took another swig.

“One of them has her sights set on you.”

Cal choked. “I’m sorry. What?”

Landry laughed at his horrified expression. “The privacy andhappiness of the guests is our utmost priority.” She did her best to keep her expression neutral. “Normally, we do whatever we can to ensure their stay is pleasant and all their expectations are fulfilled. However, in this case, I did tell her that your crew had been told to stay away from the guests.”

“Thank you.”

“She didn’t like that, and they headed to Bronwyn to complain.”

“Please tell me you’re joking.”

“Nope. Bronwyn won’t give in, but I thought you should have a heads-up. Chantal is persistent. I wouldn’t put it past her to leave the property and look for you.”

“I’ll talk to Bronwyn. We’ve discussed putting up another row of netting along the fence to block the view.”

“Might be a good idea. Apparently, she’s determined to, and I quote, ‘have herself a mountain man,’ and she specifically asked about you.”

“Please tell me you didn’t give her my name.”

Landry shoved at him through the fence. “What kind of friend do you take me for?”

Something flickered in Cal’s gaze before it morphed to a look of relief. “Thank you, again.”

“You’re welcome.”

“Want to come in and see what we’ve done? There’s been a lot of progress since you were last here.”

“I’d love to. But I don’t want to interrupt your workday.”

Cal grimaced. “Wearein the middle of something. Why don’t you and Eliza come back around three thirty. We’re wrapping early today so everyone can go to the harvest festival tonight.”

“Don’t you have to be at the festival early?” He’d said something about cooking. Or serving. Landry wasn’t sure. This would be her first Gossamer Falls Harvest Festival. She’d begged off the last few years, but Eliza was giddy about tonight’s festivities.

“My shift starts at five thirty. I’ll have time to show you around. I probably need to head out by four.”


Cal checked his watch. Again.

The morning had flown by. The afternoon? Not so much. He was ready to call it a day. He didn’t always work on the jobs he managed, but one of his crew leaders had taken the day off because his daughter was having her wisdom teeth out.

Darryl had sent them a video of Betsy post-surgery. During lunch, the entire crew got a good laugh out of it. Betsy was normally an easy-going girl, but in her anesthesia-induced state, she’d been sassy and snarky. The video shook so much that Cal could picture Darryl laughing as Betsy ranted about the color of her seat belt.

He’d have to show Landry. She’d get a kick out of it.


Cal checked his watch again. Thirty more minutes.

Focus.He’d write up anyone on his crew who was daydreaming while standing thirty feet up on scaffolding. If this kept on, he’d have to writehimselfup. He and Emmett were almost done. One more board and they’d climb down and pack up for the weekend. The crew was enjoying the extra hours, but everyone agreed to take off early today and not work on Saturday. The annual harvest festival was that big of a deal.

“That pretty blond gonna come back later?” Emmett, the manager for this team, hammered a nail in with one skilled hit. Then another.
