Page 48 of Never Fall Again


“That’ll keep you from getting stuck here if there’s a new guest coming in.”

“Appreciate it.”

“You gonna tell me what’s going on?”

Cal slipped the card into a cubby in his truck dash. “Did Bronwyn not tell you?”

“I didn’t ask her. Figured I’d ask you.”

“No can do.”

Barry was disappointed but recovered quickly. “I’ll find out soon enough. She said to tell you to drive to the main admin building. That y’all would walk from there.”

“Thanks. Have a good one.”

“You too.”

The drive through The Haven’s grounds was beautiful. Gentle curves wound through the forested property on a paved road that did its best to blend into the landscape. Quinn land was prettier, but Pierce land was nothing to sneeze at.

He reached the admin building and found Bronwyn and Landry waiting on the sidewalk.

Once everyone had gathered, Bronwyn smirked at him. “You three fighting or something?”


“You couldn’t ride together? Where’s your concern for the environment? Or your gas bill?”

Connor crossed his arms. “Oh, I see how it is. We’re on your turf now, so you’re going to hassle us?”

“Of course.” Bronwyn’s grin was full of mischief. “Seriously, though, why three trucks?”

“We’re going in three different directions after we leave. In fact”—Chad pointed at Cal—“we’re going to leave him to do all the paperwork while we”—Chad nodded at Connor—“go get our hands dirty.”

Landry had been watching the exchange, and she turned to Cal. “What did you ever do to make them hate you so much?”

Connor slapped Cal on the back. “He’s the baby. We make him do everything we don’t want to do.”

Cal leaned toward Landry and spoke in a conspiratorial whisper. “It’s best for the business if I handle these things. These two?” He grimaced dramatically. “We try not to talk about it, but they’re getting up in years an—”

“He’s eight years younger than me,” Chad said, “but to hear him tell it, I’m just a few years from retirement.”

Bronwyn interrupted. “Okay, okay.”

“You started it,” Connor said.

“And now I’m ending it. You three are impossible. Let’s look at the building site and talk about money.”

They walked around the charred remains of Favors and down a small, paved path marked with an understated STAFFONLYsign. Bronwyn was sandwiched between Connor and Chad, which left Cal and Landry to follow behind. Cal let them pull ahead a little before he asked Landry, “Any word on when Gray’s going to release the old site?”

“He says maybe this week.”

Cal heard hesitation in her response, and there was no way he could ignore it. “You sound worried.”

“I can’t shake the feeling that he’s found something and that’s why he’s held off on releasing the scene. And given that he’s shared no details, it makes me wonder who he suspects.”

Cal dropped his voice. “Like who?”