Page 118 of Never Fall Again

She scooped Eliza into her arms and helped her inside. “Climb in the back.” Eliza obeyed and Landry scrambled into the seat, started the engine, and threw it in reverse. “Buckle up, sweetheart.” Landry hit the lights, backed out of the garage, and floored it down the driveway.

“You aren’t buckled, Mommy.”

“I’ll buckle in a minute. Right now, we have to get away. Do you still have Ignacio’s phone?”

“Yes, Mommy.”

The terror in Eliza’s voice nearly crushed Landry. She’d get her all the therapy she needed as soon as they were safe. “Does it have a password?”

Eliza answered a moment later. “It’s locked.”

“Try 526379.”

“Five, two, six, three, seven, nine.” A pause. “That worked!”

Of course it did. He had used her name to create his password. This wasn’t the time to be creeped out by how much Ignacio had deluded himself about her. “Okay, now I need you to call Cal.” She gave Eliza the number. She didn’t expect Cal to answer. Not after what Ignacio had claimed he’d done. But maybe someone would answer. “Can you put it on speaker?”

A moment later she could hear the phone ringing. “Callum Shaw.”

Landry almost hit the brakes. The relief that flooded through her at his voice was overwhelming. “Cal?”

A pause. “Landry! Landry! Where are you? Where’s Eliza?”

“I’m right here.” Eliza’s little chirpy voice broke through Landry’s momentary freeze.

“Cal. Is it really you?” Landry asked.

“Yes, it’s me. Where are you?”

“We escaped. We’re...I don’t know where we are. We’re in his truck. We have his phone. And we’re going as far away from the house as we can get. I’m afraid to stop. Can you track the phone?”

“Landry. Honey. Keep driving but get ready to stop.”

“What?” Through the trees, Landry noticed a flickering light that grew in intensity until she came around a curve. Police cars, private vehicles, an ambulance, and standing in the flashing lights ... Cal.

She hit the brakes and put the truck in park right in the middle of the road. She’d barely stopped when Cal yanked her door open. “Cal!” She threw her arms around his neck and held on for dear life.

“Landry!” His lips brushed hers. He probably meant for it to be a sweet little kiss. But Landry had spent the past several hours convinced he was dead. She pulled his head back toward her and claimed his mouth with her own. She didn’t care who saw. She didn’t care who knew. Cal Shaw was hers. She loved him. And she was never letting him out of her sight.

Cal held her close and took over the kiss, saying all the same things with his kiss that she’d said with hers.



“We’re here tonight to celebrate new beginnings and new relationships.” Bronwyn made eye contact with Cal. “The partnership we’ve developed with SPQ Construction over the past few months has reaped more rewards than we could have possibly imagined.”

Cal squeezed Landry’s hand and murmured, “Definitely more than I had ever dared to dream.”

She blushed beautifully and leaned into him as Bronwyn continued. “I want to personally thank the SPQ crew members who are here tonight. Thank you especially to Cal Shaw for not only ensuring a smooth project that was completed in record time, but also for the original design of the fireplace and the artistry of our new pottery section.”

Bronwyn paused and smiled directly at Landry. “And of course, to my partner in crime, our phenomenal artist-in-residence, Landry Hutton. She has worked tirelessly over the past month to ensure that we could reopen before Christmas, and I can’t wait for you to experience her vision for Favors and what this space could be for our Haven guests.”

Bronwyn stood, surrounded by Pierces of all ages, and witha giant pair of scissors cut through the ribbon Landry had tied across the porch rails a few hours earlier. “Welcome, everyone! Please, come in!”

As the crowd surged forward, Landry let out a huge sigh, her shoulders slumped and her expression grim. “I have to go inside now. Find me later?”

“Always.” He pressed a kiss to her forehead. “This is supposed to be fun. Enjoy it.” When the unease didn’t leave her face, he pulled her into his arms and whispered in her ear, “You’re safe. Eliza’s safe. If you need me, send me a text.”