Page 80 of Sick Bargain


“Because I asked him to.” I turn on my side, the burn on my chest cracking with the motion. Remiel looks at me, and I look at him, and whatever else he wants to say falls away into the abyss. This feels like getting my affairs in order, prepping for a future I’m not returning to. I don’t like it, and Remiel can tell. Before he can ask, I cut off his chance. “Ready to end Gregory Malone?”




Gregory Malone is a rare breed.He has no specific skills, isn’t particularly powerful, and doesn’t instill fear in the residents of Moros. Mostly, he’s just a creepy guy who slinks through the streets and people ignore him because he’s not overly worth noticing. Being known as the creepy guy in Moros says something since we’re all a bit creepy, but Malone takes it to a new level.

The one area he excels… evasion. Since getting my calling card in the cemetery that night, he’s been even more elusive. He’s good at going unnoticed, skirting capture, and avoiding the wrong places at the wrong times.

He won’t escape me tonight.

Sitting in the passenger seat of my SUV, Remiel rubs his palms together, eyes alert as he watches the street. “About what you said at the funeral…”

“Which part?” My eyes stay locked on the Neon Demon nightclub. There are only two exits to the building. We’re at the front, and Ghost and Menace are at the back.

“Uh, about the ra… sex over his dead body.”

“What about it?” My dick twitches.

“Did you mean it?”

I meant it. He was the one who asked for it. But it won’t be tonight. Because I made Remiel a promise before that. I guaranteed that Gregory Malone wouldn’t know a moment of peace until he died a long time from now. “We aren’t killing him tonight.”


I look at him quickly, not wanting to take my eyes off the door too long. “Disappointed?”

“He deserves to die,” Remiel says, watching his rubbing palms.

“Does he?”


“Hmm.” I get comfortable and watch the door. “I think he deserves worse. He’s stalked you, taunted you, made you scared enough to come to Vile House, pushed your brother over the edge, and made it his personal life’s mission to keep the Sauder curse alive. Death is too easy for him. Too finite.”

Remiel says nothing, but the air around him darkens. There’s a saying in Moros about death being a blessing because there is always something worse, and now the gears of his mind are grinding, considering all the things that could be worse. I already have a plan for Gregory Malone, and Director approved it because he needs a lab rat. The Vile Boys approved it because they like having a punching bag. Remiel is going to approve it because he’s sinister and not as innocent as he pretends to be. He wants Malone to suffer, and I’ve become someone who enjoys granting his wishes.

My phone vibrates on the centre console. Pressing the speaker button, I say nothing.

“He’s taking too long,” Ghost says. “I say we go in there.”

“Give the Neon Demon a few demons to celebrate,” Menace adds.

I look at Remiel. I have a mask for him, but if we do this publicly, the town will know that Vile House has Malone. It’s a risk because someone could nark on us, which won’t do anything but cause unnecessary headaches, but this is Moros… the town is loyal to Vile House. We protect them, worship them as much as they worship us, and create a consequence in a part of the world that needs one. No one is going to miss Gregory Malone, not even his wife, so I trust that they’ll spread gossip to one another but not to outside authorities.

“Want to go in?” I ask Remiel.

Staring at the door, his palms stop rubbing and he nods.

“Masks on,” I tell Ghost and Menace.

Ghost whoops and I can imagine Menace’s predatory smile. The Vile Boys do love a hunt. I hang up and grab the masks from between my legs.

“You wear this, don’t leave my side, and don’t speak. No one needs to hear your voice. The club owner will leave the music on, and the flashing lights and dark space will provide cover, but you still aren’t to engage with anyone. Not even Malone. When we get him, then you can have your shot at him. Understand?”