Eye contact. He craves it, and it changes something inside me. No one, apart from Ghost and my brother, can hold my eyes, yet Remielcravesit. Maybe because of defiance, or maybe because he likes to remind himself that I’m not sane while I assault him, but either way, he needs my eyes as much as I need his blood.
I rip his boxers open, tearing them to shreds. The movement makes his knife slice through my skin, blood dripping warmly. He keeps his eyes on mine but lowers the blade to touch my mask. He rips it off, but we’re concealed in the dark enough to keep me comfortable. I back up to get my pants and boots off while Remiel takes his shirt off, eyes still on mine. Completelynaked together for the first time, I hold up a packet of lube from my pocket and ask the silent question.
“Surprised you even want to make it feel better. Thought you wanted to fuck me with blood.”
“Do you want that?” I challenge.
He rips the lube from my fingers and tears it open with his teeth. The action reminds me of condoms, but we’re way past that. We were way past that the night I licked his blood from his throat over Ophelia Hargrove’s body.
I fist my dick in my hand while Remiel fingers his own ass, watching my expression and gripping the knife in the other hand. The atmosphere has changed, and he’s almost unafraid. The fear has mostly faded, but I’m about to scare him in a different way. I’m going to test him. Because there’s an insecure part of me that wants to know if he actually cares about me. About my life. Or is he only here to entice me into killing him as part of our bargain?
I lean forward and take his hand, forcing his fist to grip the handle until the blade is pressed to my throat. “Don’t move it, Remiel.” I grab his hips and pull him down a step, and when the head of my cock presses against his lubed ass, I look him straight in the eye as I ease inside him. My forward motion makes the blade slice into my neck.
Remiel breathes harder, pleasure mixing with worry, and fuck… the way his ass feels around my cock defies all concepts I previously had about sex. I push in harder, opening him for me, taking what’s mine, but appreciating it differently this time. The blade cuts when I groan.
“Krypt,” he warns, trying to move the weapon.
“I told you not to fucking move it.”
He swallows, pressing it against my neck again. Lighter this time. He winces when I fuck into him, but I can’t tell if it’s because his ass hurts or he’s afraid of the knife against mythroat. I want him to admit he cares. That he doesn’t want me dead, even after everything I’ve done to him. I want my neck to bleed and jar him into a decision about what I mean to him.
Because Remiel Sauder has become everything to me. My property. My obsession. My fixation. My dream.
I’ve never dreamed before.
His tight ass sucks me in and his eyes never leave mine. My internal monsters thrash, but I think I see his rise to the surface to meet mine. I push inside him slowly, feeling every inch gained. Taking my time. Getting lost in the frenzy ofhimrather than the frenzy of sex.
This is ownership with a test. Will he slit my throat in passion and end this bargain we have now that he’s stronger, more capable, and the first name on his list has been taken care of? Or will he pull back, drop the knife, and prove that he cares about me even though I’m the thing that ruined his already tainted life?
I glance down, watching my cock disappear inside him. It does something to me. Reactions to situations have always fascinated me, and right now, my own reaction is tempting me far more than ever before. Because I’m inside him, watching the way two bodies become one, enthralled by the idea that we’re connected so deeply. But when I lift my gaze and look into his eyes, it’s the way he looks back that renders me conflicted.
“Don’t,” he says, rushed and begging. “Don’t make me do this.” His hand trembles, making the knife against my throat shake.
“Do what?” I grab his hips and pull him closer until he’s one step above me and I’m thrusting into him from the bottom stair. The blade digs in harder, drawing a pained groan from my throat.
I can feel blood trickling down my skin, coating my chest and turning sticky in the air. His breath fans across my wound, buthis eyes never leave mine, not even when I push into him so hard his body thumps back and the stairs dig into his spine.
“This…” His fingers drum on the handle, so I cover them with mine to keep his hand steady. “This isn’t our dynamic.”
“How not? Haven’t you wanted this?” I pull back and sink forward, burying my dick in the only body that has ever felt good.
Remiel gets panicked. Maybe angry. His nostrils flare and his free hand swipes through the blood on my upper chest. “This!Youmakemebleed, not the other way around. You hurt me. I don’t hurt you!”
“But you want to.”
“No,” he whispers, eyes turning glassy.
I lift my head and press on his hand, baring my throat to him and the weapon. “Don’t you want payback? I burned your fucking house down, Remiel.”
He cries out.
“I raped you!”
“Krypt,” he begs, free hand rubbing my blood onto his cock.
“I drugged you and stalked you! I keep you here as my fucking prisoner, Remiel. Make me pay for it!” I snarl at him. “Do it!”
“I can’t!” he screams, tears leaking down the side of his face.