Page 43 of Sick Bargain

“Are you innocent, Remiel?” I step closer to him, offering him the joint. He glares at it, having learned a lesson from the other night. “What makes you better than them? You watched a girl die in the woods, didn’t you?”

“You killed her,” he accuses.

“Did I?” I tilt my head.

He doesn’t know the answer and can’t prove it either way. “You throat fucked me over her body.”

“Mm.” I inhale weed and exhale evil. “I did.”

He narrows his nice blue eyes at me. “Are you proud of that?”

“More confused by it than anything,” I tell him, stamping out the joint. “Sexual reactions aren’t really my thing.”

“Oh,” he says quietly, like this news has surprised him. He nearly looks flattered. “Could have fooled me.”

“You’re a bad influence on me.” I put out my joint.

“How?” he asks, slightly hesitant about the answer.

I grab the front of his hoodie and pull him to my chest. Breathing in the scent of him to ground myself, I push him to his knees. He fights me, but not hard enough to make it believable.

“You make my cock hard.” I move his hand to it, pinning it there. “You make me impulsive. You make me territorial. You distract me, Remiel.”

His fingers flex around my shaft, but he refuses to acknowledge it. “I don’t do anything but what you tell me to do, so it’s your own fault.”

“Are we pointing fingers now?” I ask. “Undo my pants.”


“Who came to Vile House to strike a bargain?” I ask.

He undoes my pants.

“Who made a deal that involved giving their life away?”

He pulls down the zipper.

“Who accepted the terms of the deal without clarifying anything but the names on his list?”

He swallows, looking up at me.

“Who, Remiel?”

“Me,” he admits.

“So, where are the fingers pointed? You know the reputation of Vile House and the men who live in it, yet you came here willingly to strike a bargain. Now our bargain is struck, and you still want to act like it’s all my fault?” I nod at my pants. “Take ownership of your actions, hero.”

“I am taking ownership. I just didn’t expect… the rest.” He looks up at me, and fucking hell, my cock aches for him. “Bargains aren’t usually sexual. So I’ve heard.”

No, they aren’t. And they don’t always include full ownership, but I’m making my own rules, setting my own standards. “Did you not beg to be fucked the other night?” I run my fingers through his hair, gently for the first time. “Do you want to act insulted one minute and needy the next? I can play whatever game you need to play to justify it to yourself.”

“Why can’t I be both?” he asks, ripping open my pants. “Why can’t I hate you and want you? Why can’t I be disgusted by thethings you’ve done and need you anyway? What are the rules here, Krypt?” He pulls me free from my pants.

“The rules are simple. You’re mine. Whatever other lies you have to tell to make that stick is fine with me.” I move my hand down to cup his chin while my dick bobs in front of his face. “So, what’ll it be? Am I forcing my way between your lips, or are you going to open them willingly?”

“Do you have a preference?” he taunts, all attitude. “Do you get a thrill out of forcing me?”

“I get a thrill out ofhavingyou. The method doesn’t matter.”