He latches onto me, tugging me back up, and that’s when my body loses its mind and I come, pumping my cock in an unrelenting grip.
“Holy fuck! I’m so sick. You’re sick!” I babble.
“We’re sick.” He hauls me up, my cock still pulsing cum against his hip. “Now get on your knees and open your mouth.”
My brother isn’t impressed.He’s a goddamn hypocrite because he wants me to take the pills, but he refuses to let the doctor brain map his head.
Connectivity issues and reduced blood flow… is that really the cause of the Sauder curse? Why didn’t my mom ever take me to get these tests? It was all failed therapy and warnings about what to watch out for.
“Told you,” Cain says. “Suicide curses don’t exist. It’s chemistry and anatomy and genetics and all that shit.”
“What do you know about chemistry and anatomy and genetics and all that shit?” Soren asks him, scoffing. “Remi, take the damn pills. Any line of defence is good, right?”
“Okay, then why won’t you do it?”
Soren turns into Ghost before my eyes, and I get my answer. He doesn’t want to change. He’s still dark-minded and happy with the diagnosis he already has. He has an unrivalled sense of self that makes him the biggest asshole I’ve ever known, but there’s something good about him, too. I don’t hate him like I used to.
“I gotta get back,” he says, handing me the bag with three pill bottles inside. “Take those, or Kr-Keegan will lose his shit.” Heglances at Cain, but Cain already knows who Krypt is. “See you later, yeah?”
Soren is a danger to himself. After all this time and the suicide curse almost taking me, he’s still taunting death because it intrigues him. And since he’s unwilling to see the doctor to know if his brain is the same as mine, I’m keeping my bargain with Krypt. And my brother is going to hate me for it.
“Yeah,” I say, glancing at the door. “At Mom’s?”
Soren stiffens, not liking our mom anymore. I’m not exactly sure what changed, whether it’s her mind control or something else, but ever since Krypt got back from Axel’s bunker, Soren has wanted to murder our mom. “Yeah. Selena will be there.”
“Okay.” I’m about to stall to keep him here longer when the front door of The Ambient Raven opens.
Two brothers walk in. Keegan and Killian Hallows. Keegan looks hot as hell and more dangerous than anything, but Killian has an easy, demonic smile on his face.
I’m sorry, Soren. But it has come to this.
“The fuck you doing here?” Soren snaps at Killian, getting right in his face. No idea what their spat is about, but Krypt says I can trust his brother, and unfortunately, I trust Krypt.
“You never know when to shut your mouth,” Killian says to Soren.
Then Killian acts. My brother is on the floor, fighting back, but Killian gets his hands behind his back, cuffs him, and shoves a rag to his face.
“The fuck!” Soren shouts through the rag. “Remi, the fuck is this?” He tries to look at me while fighting against Killian’s knee pinning him down. “What’d… you… do?” His voice slows.
“Bargain struck, Remiel?” Krypt asks.
“Bargain met,” I agree, grinning at him. “Sorry, Soren. You should have agreed to see the doctor.”
My brother fades out, Cain has no idea what’s going on, and Killian hauls Soren to his feet. He’s still conscious but not very coherent.
“Promise?” I ask Killian.
His smile is still demonic when he nods. “Trust me, Rem. He won’t do anything without me knowing.” I don’t know if I believe that since my brother can move around like a ghost, but I nod. He pushes Soren out the door, and then they’re gone. Swallowed up by Death Row foot traffic that doesn’t even blink at the sight of a drugged and restrained guy.
“What the fuck was that?” Cain asks when the door closes.
“The fate he picked,” I say, looking at him. “Want me to close up the shop?”