Page 113 of Sick Bargain

Everyone gets a say because it’s their identities, personalities, and lifestyles at risk. They’re bad people, but they’re also vulnerable people, and when they’re here, in the house they feel safe in, that’s when their vulnerabilities come out. Bringing in new people is hard on some of them.

“Vote, yes,” Ghost says first. “Since he burned my brother’s house down, and I won’t let Remi live with my mom.”

“A hundred yeses because he’s my bestie!” Kyd shouts. “He’ll like Fabrizio.”

Krypt looks at the table. He’s not a submissive person, and having his eyes cast downward isn’t a submissive act. He’s restraining himself. Holding his inner beasts at bay. Reminding himself to calm down without the use of weed. Remi taught him that, and I’ve never been happier for Krypt.

“Yes,” Riot says. “He’s good for my brother. He’s family.”

“My vote is yes,” Menace says. “Remi belongs here.”

“Yes from me, too,” Glitch says. “He fits.”

“Hello.” Facts stands. “I would like to vote yes.” He sits back down. He stands back up. “Because he makes Krypt happy.”

“Happy?” Krypt snorts, looking up at Facts.

“You smile sometimes. Three times that I’ve noted,” Facts adds. “Now that you have him.”

Krypt looks back down. There’s that vulnerability, like smiling somehow makes him weak.

“He’s a yes from me,” Ransom adds. “Love Remi.” Krypt growls, and Ransom grins.

“I vote yes, too,” Seven says, nodding.

Monster is the last to answer, and everyone knows why. He looks at Krypt for a long time, no one interrupting because we all know what he’s thinking. Monster is twisted, and his view of the world is entirely wrong, but it makes perfect sense to him.

“Is he weak?” Monster asks.

“Not anymore,” Krypt answers.

Monster tilts his head, challenging Krypt to change his answer. Monster has a few triggers, and anyone vulnerable enough not to be able to protect themselves is his biggest one. Kids and pets are particularly hard for him. He wants to save anyone who can’t save themselves, but his idea of saving them isn’t logical. He’d rather kill a kid and grant them the gift of death than let them live in a bad situation. We’re working on it, but he’s still very much a work in progress.

“Is he suicidal?” Monster asks.

Krypt looks him right in the eyes. “Not anymore.”

Monster’s teeth clench. “Yes.”

A unanimous vote. “Remi moves in for good, then.” I smile at my boys, proud of them. “Next order of business. Axel Graves and Reaper Corp.”

Kyd sighs.

Everyone else straightens up.


1. Seven

2. Ghost

3. Menace

4. Riot

5. Facts

6. Glitch

7. Monster

8. Krypt

9. Ransom

10. Kyd