Page 53 of First Surrender

“What? What is it? Have you called his sister?”

“Yes, a few times. It seems her phone is off. Decl- Dec asked me to call you.”

“I’ll be right there.”

Mere minutes later, I’m striding right into the Principal’s office. I’ve been here a few times and know my way around quite well. I’ve made it a point that all of my deputies are familiar with the layouts of all the schools.

“Sheriff, they’re right through here.” The secretary ushers me through a door and I stop dead in my tracks. Dec is sitting ina chair with tears streaming down his face but that’s not what makes my cool snap.

A chunk of his shaggy blonde hair is missing. Cut clean off the side.

“What the hell is going on?” My voice is loud, and more authoritative than I usually use. I’m not usually fueled by emotion and ready to throttle someone. Dec starts to cry harder as I kneel in front of him.

“What happened, buddy?” I ask him softly as he falls into me, leaning his head on my shoulder. I rub his back until he settles enough to sit up and wipe his eyes.

I turn to the woman sitting behind her desk with her hands crossed, watching a little boy weep. “What happened?”

She looks relatively put off balance by my presence, but her hesitation only makes my defenses strengthen.

“There was an issue in gym class. Dec talked back to the gym teacher and he reprimanded him.” She stops talking as if that’s all there is to it. As if this little boy hasn’t had his hair forcibly cut.


“Mr. Wheeler took him to the locker room and attempted to give him a haircut as punishment.”

“Where is he? Get him down here. NOW!” I yell, thunderously and she balks.

“He’s already left for the day. He’ll be on administrative leave until further notice.”

“I want him fired.”

“Sheriff, I-”

“If I see him around children at this school ever again, I will get you fired, too. Dec. Let’s go.” I can’t think straight, my gut is begging me to get him out of here and in a safer place. Away from this uncaring woman.

Once we’re in my SUV, and far away from the school, I pull over on a random shoulder and turn the car off. “Will you tell me exactly what happened? Please, buddy.”

“Mr. Wheeler was being mean to me in gym class. He kept yelling at me to get my hair out of my eyes. We were playing wiffle ball and my hair would cover my eye when I tried to bat.” He sniffles and I give him a second, rubbing his back until he can continue.

“He said I looked like a girl. That I needed it cut. But, I don’t want to cut my hair. I haven’t cut it since- Since Mommy died. She always cut my hair.” He cries, a full belly heaving cry, and my heart breaks into a million pieces for this little boy.

I jump out on my side and round the hood, throwing open his door and pulling him into my arms. “I am so sorry, buddy. So sorry.” I squeeze his small body, rocking him back and forth until his tears soften.

“He tried to cut more off but Charlie ran and got another teacher. He got this part though.” His fingers brush the side of his nearly scalped head and his little chest heaves like he might start crying again.

“Hey, it’s alright. I know it’s scary, but how about I take you somewhere I like to go so we can fix it? We’ll take pictures that way you can remember it longer. Would it be okay if we fixed it?”

He nods sadly and I pull him in for another hug. “You did a good thing by telling them to call me, Dec. You did good. Anytime you need me, I’ll be here.”

* * *

“What the hell did you do?!” Natalie screams at me as soon as we step through the front door. All I can manage to do is take a deepbreath before I lose my damn mind.

“Sissy, no don’t-” Dec tries to intervene.

“Dec. Go to your room. Now.” She can hardly look at him with his new hairdo.
