There it is. The XTOWN spot appears right on top. It is only showing two bars, but that's still more than the other four that are displayed. This is a residential area, though with all the deserted houses I use that term lightly, so I'm surprised to only see a list of four very weak spots. Do people here not have internet?
Are there even any people in this neighborhood?
My eyes are glued to the screen as I take a step forward, and then another. I move slowly, waiting for more bars to appear, slowly wavering from left to right, trying to figure out where I might get the best reception. The stronger the signal is, the easier it will be to hack into, as I need some time and stability to—
All of a sudden it’s dark. Something has been thrown over my head, a bag, closed around my neck so tightly that it takes away my breath for a moment. My phone drops to the ground as my hands fly up in a futile attempt to free myself.
I'm kicking, squirming and fighting for breath, my eyes blinded—but a set of strong arms closes around my upper body and drags me away.
It all happens so fast, so abruptly and violently that is doesn't even matter if there's anyone around who could hear me scream. I can’t scream–I can’t make a sound.
I'm quiet as a mouse, stiffened in shock as I am dragged away.