Page 12 of Captured Onyx

Chapter 6


I don't know how long he's gone, but I'm sure it must be hours rather than minutes. I doze off in between, losing my sense of time even more. The sleep that overcomes me is not restorative in any way, leaving me even more exhausted. I turn in agony, grimacing and squinting as if he’s still here, and it puzzles me how he can equally haunt and soothe me with his presence.

The spinning inside my head is now accompanied by searing pain, a hammering so violent that I almost feel like I can hear it. A dull and hollow noise, nagging against my skull that has my eyes watering in agony.

I know what this is. I'm hungover. Dehydration is doing this to me, and it comes with a hunger that's just as excruciating.

Is this part of the plan? Is he doing this to weaken me? Did he leave me like this to wear me down?

If so, he's making great progress, because I'm in a pathetic state by the time he returns. I can see his shadow moving behind the door even before I hear the lock being turned. Despite the knocking pain inside my head, I yank myself up to a seated position when he steps inside. I may feel like shit, but I don't want to give him the satisfaction of seeing me at my weakest.

Blazing bright light penetrates the darkness I have become accustomed to, causing me to squint, even as I try to maintain the throbbing ache in my head. I lift my tied hands, holding them before my face to shield myself from the intrusion of light.

He greets my gesture with a dark chuckle, unwilling to hide his amusement at my predicament.

"I'm sorry," he says, but I know it's not sincere.

The door closes behind him, blocking out the painful glow. He flips the switch to his right, and a moment later my dark cell is illuminated in a softer light that's not as harsh on the eyes. I lower my hands slowly, frowning at him as he approaches the bed.

My frown is soon replaced with yearning, when I realize what he's brought with him.

Water. A full bottle of fresh water.

And food. A sandwich, as far as I can tell, wrapped in paper.

Of course, he notices my craving eyes.


His question is more mocking than actual concern, and I hate the condescending smile that accompanies it. I wish I had the guts to just tell him to fuck off, but I don't want to risk him running out of the room again, possibly denying me the food and—much worse—the water. I'm so desperately thirsty that I can't stop myself from leaning forward, lifting my tied up hands to reach for the bottle in his hands.

But instead of giving it to me, he yanks it away, taking a step back from the bed.

"Not so fast," he says, shaking his head and casting me a look as if he was scolding a young child. He's wearing a different shirt than before, a blue one this time, and it looks as if he's just had a shower. His hair is still glistening with dampness and he emits a fresh and soapy scent. His clean and put-together appearance stands out against the cold, damp room and makes me feel worse than I did before he showed up.

He's being cruel, parading water and food in front of me as if I'm a circus animal about to be trained.

"Please...," I utter, sounding as pathetic as I feel. "Just the water."

But he shakes his head. "I want to hear you say it first."

"Say what?"

"That you're ready to comply."

I sigh, as my bound hands fall into my lap, signaling defeat.

"Comply with what?" I want to know, my voice barely louder than a whisper. I seek his gaze with pleading eyes. "I don't even understand what this is about."

The short nod he gives as a response displays an understanding that surprises me.

"I'll explain everything you need to know," he says. "But first you must–"

"You already threatened to kill my parents," I cut him off, finally finding it within myself to raise my voice against him. "And now you're torturing me with the promise of water and food, but only if I agree to something that I don't understand. I told you, you have the wrong girl! I feel like you think you're talking to someone else. If you think I'm this Lailah person then I must disappoint you. I am not Lailah! I really am not."

That condescending smile I hate so much returns to his dangerously handsome face. He slowly shakes his head.