Page 18 of Captured Onyx

Chapter 9


She cowers behind me as I lead her from the room. The bedroom I chose for her is located right across from the brightly lit kitchen, where Mike, Daveed and I had been busy all morning planning what ammunition we need and gathering together the remnants of our supplies. We're short, so both Mike and Daveed are currently out running errands to change that. I deliberately chose to wait until they were gone because I hate parading her in front of their eyes.

And I don't want them to see me with her.

"What's your name?" she asks shyly as I’m leading her down the corridor to the bathroom. She casts curious glances around us as we move, her eyes lingering on the kitchen as we walk by it, and I can see her mild shock upon seeing the weapons and ammunition spread out on the table.


"Nate," she repeats solemnly, all the while her concerned eyes darting back and forth between me and where I am gripping her bound wrists.

"My name is Malia."

"I know, you told me."

"I wasn't sure if you heard," she murmurs, a shadow cast over her face. "You seemed very insistent on calling me Lailah."

"You'll have to learn to respond when you hear someone say that name," I tell her. "But I'm not going to call you that. Not as long as she's still alive."

Her eyes widen as she looks up at me. "Is she going to die soon?"

I only offer her a silent nod in response. I don't want to talk about Lailah, not right now. It's too painful, and I'm not ready to let this girl see even an ounce of weakness from me.

"I know you're not Lailah," I say, my voice strained. We come to a halt in front of the bathroom door and I pull her forward, my eyes locking onto hers. "Believe me, I know that, but I have no intention of getting to know you, whoever the hell you are. You'll be Onyx to me, nothing else. Understood?"

She frowns at me, and I can see her fighting to remain quiet, not to object to my comment. But she's smart and she’s learning, and eventually she finds it within herself to simply nod. Her defiant expression is replaced with determination.

I've seen that look before. I know what it means. She has no intention of carrying out the mission to the best of her abilities. She has no interest in obeying or pleasing me.

All she wants is to find a way out, a way to break free. She's staying calm and observant because she's waiting for the right opportunity.

Well, good luck with that little girl. Because I'm not going to let that happen.

She has nowhere to run and there's no one around for miles who could help her anyway. And if she did decide to make a run for it, I would most likely catch her before she could even set a foot outside this house. However, I'm in no mood for risks, and I won't be leaving her side for even a second from now on.

She shudders when I push her through the bathroom door, her shoulders inching up to her ears as she takes in the unwelcoming room. The tiles and appliances are outdated, mold creeping through the tiling in several places. I don’t blame her for being disgusted, because I share the sentiment. This place is a hole, very different to the environment I’m used to—and I can’t wait to get out of here.

She flinches when I close the door behind us, turning the lock right away. Fearful doubt is evident on her face when she turns around to look at me.

"I'm staying," I answer her unspoken question. "You can't afford to be shy, Onyx."

It's the first time I've addressed her with that name, a title I chose for our mission because it reflects the black depth of that gorgeous pair of eyes I fell for years ago. I could never question Scivola's desire for Lailah because I readily saw her worth just as much as they did.

Things change, of course, and I fucking hope to God I'm not dumb enough to commit the same mistake I did back then.

It's easier with the girl who is staring back at me through those black onyx gems right now. Despite all the physical similarities, it's easy to see the person behind those eyes. And that person couldn't be any more different from Lailah than she is.

"You're... staying?"

This is the most terrified she's looked since she first woke up. Silly little girl.

I cross my arms in front of my chest, chuckling mildly as I shake my head.

"Get to it, we don't have all day."

"I don't want to, if—"