Page 25 of Lost Petal

I’ve been watching her most of the night, worried that she might do something stupid. It’s never out of the question that the subject hurts themselves. I’ve seen it before, and I would hate to see it with her.

Malia was instructed to fetch the tray from her room as soon as Petal had finished eating, making sure she took every single item with her. Petal shouldn’t be left alone with anything but herself, having nothing but the thin piece of fabric draped around her pretty body. She couldn’t possibly do any harm to herself with just that, unless she gets really creative and finds a way to use that gown to harm herself that even I haven’t considered.

And I have considered a lot of possibilities. I have seen a lot. I have seen what people are willing to do to get out of their misery.

I know what desperation and loneliness can make people do.

That’s why my eyes remain glued to one of the many screens throughout the mansion that show what the camera is catching in Petal’s room most of the time. Malia doesn’t have access to these screens. She doesn’t know where they are, nor how to look at them. While she needs to be informed about Petal’s current status and well-being, there’s no way I’d let her—or anyone else—see what happens between Petal and me when we’re alone.

Especially today.

It’s true that I don’t want to send Malia out of the house because I intend to hurt Petal. And it’s also true that I believe she needs a little break from this house and the things that are happening here.

But I also want to be alone with Petal today. Completely alone, even if it’s just for a couple of hours.

“Consider that walk, Malia. I promise, she will still be in one piece when you return. If you remember to bring her breakfast, that is.”

The expression on Malia’s face softens a little. “She can have breakfast?”

“Two slices of toast and some water, yes.”

The hint of a smile that was playing on Malia’s face a moment ago is cast away as soon as I finish speaking, but I didn’t expect anything else.

“You know, Robert is going to contact me soon,” she says out of the blue, maybe in an attempt to worry me. If that’s the case, she’s unsuccessful.

“Yes, he will,” I agree. “We both knew it will happen—and we both know how to handle it. Isn’t that correct?”

She nods quietly, emptying her coffee and refusing to look at me.

“Yes, sure,” she whispers, not sounding convinced.

“Don’t fuck this up, Malia,” I warn her. “You need to remember the rules. For her.”

“Yes, yes, I know, and I will,” she snarls back at me, waving me off. “I will take that fucking walk. And I won’t forget the rules.”

Fiery rage flickers inside my chest at her dismissive behavior. Normally, I wouldn’t let anyone talk to me like this. No one.

But I’ll let it pass with her. For now. Malia doesn’t fall under any of my normal regulations, and she knows that. She may be taking advantage of it, too, but if this is what she needs to cope with all of this, so be it.

I can’t let her ruin this.

Especially not now, when things are just about to get interesting.