Page 27 of Lost Petal

I won’t let that happen.

I’m not submitting to him. I’m not doing what he wants me to do.

I’m doing what I need to do to get out of here.

“Yes, master.”

The words leave my mouth with surprising ease. But they weigh heavily on my chest.

He, on the other hand, looks more pleased than he ever has before. The smile on his face widens, never losing its ominous foreboding as he goes down on his knees right before me, joining me on eye level.

The dim light casts subtle shadows on his cleanly shaved face, emphasizing his out-of-this-world handsomeness. Right in this moment, as he leans forward, caressing my cheek while assessing me with that contented smile on his face, it’s hard to remember the monster that hides behind this facade.

But I know it’s there. I know I will see nothing but that cruel creature in just a few moments, when he will go on to rape me.

Because that’s what’s going to happen, right? He says he wants to see me climax, and I’d be stupid to think that doesn’t mean he’s going to fuck me against my will.

I swallow dryly, suppressing the wave of disgust and sorrow that surfaces beneath the determination I took such pride in just a moment ago.

I don’t want this.

Please, don’t do this to me.

The expression on his face changes when he sees the first tear rolling down my cheek. He catches it with his thumb, cupping my face in a gesture that’s supposed to provide solace, even though he’s the one causing me this pain.

“Oh, Petal,” he says, affection lacing every syllable. “You have nothing be afraid of, nothing to grieve.”

Yes, I do, you bastard.

Another set of tears wets my face as I close my eyes in an attempt to save myself from him.

He’s still holding my face in his hand, gently caressing my tear-drenched cheeks when he whispers, “Come. Up.”