Page 55 of Red Velvet

"No!" I shriek, so high-pitched and loud that it’s painful to the ears, even my own. I don't think I've ever used my voice like this, filled with so much desperation and fear. Even my bellowing cries during my play with Kade were nothing in comparison, lacking the terrible conviction this one carried.

But it does the job.

Jim stares at me, his eyes widening. He doesn't say a word as he backs away from me, slowly granting me the space I've been asking for.

His horrified expression still rests on me as I take my chance and turn away from him, unlocking the door with trembling fingers and fleeing inside, back to safety. Away from him.

Chapter 29


Leaving her alone with that enraged idiot was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do, and I regretted it the moment I got back in the car.

But I knew she was right. I had to trust her and let her deal with this guy on her own. As much as it bothers me, it doesn't concern me. Her dead wood is not my problem.

At least it shouldn't be.

I was ready to give her the room she asked for, but I wasn’t ready to leave Lila to herself and risk her getting hurt. So I told the driver to get out of their sight and park a block down from her house, where I jumped out and made my way back to a street corner from which I could watch them. My heart was racing with worry and a feeling that should have no place in this.


Despite everything, I feared that she might ask him to come upstairs. That, after seeing him and talking to him, she would realize she’d made a mistake and reconcile with him. That I was too much for her after all, too much pain, too much trouble. That I pushed her boundaries too far.

She said it herself: It was hard to leave her ex-fiancé, and she admitted it was still tough to deal with, even though she thought she did the right thing for herself. She was never truly convinced, and each leathery strike that broke her delicate skin might’ve pushed her away from me instead of bringing us closer as it was intended.

You never know with girls who are new to this, girls like Lila who have always been the quiet and good ones, the ones who dated proper boys and considered themselves safe within the realm of the ordinary.

Breaking up with her fiancé was the first step in breaking free from all of that, but by getting involved with me, Lila took a shortcut to a world she may not be ready for. It’s one thing to break free from a path that was as boring as it was secure. It’s an entirely different story to exchange all that with someone like me.

She may not want me to, but I feel fucking protective over her, and the thought of losing her because she decided to go back to where she came from hurts as much as the thought of her getting hurt by him.

I watch the scene unfold from afar, flinching nervously every time that Jim guy gets too close to her, every time they move in a vicious dance around each other. He crowds her several times, trying to intimidate her, but she stands up to him like a true warrior, putting him in his place by facing him with her back straight, chin up and a defiant look on her pretty face.

That stance is just as sexy as her surrendering under my strong command.

Yet I can't help but wonder what she might be hiding under the mask. Insecurity? Doubt? Is she defending her decision in front of him, or is she susceptible to the dangerous thoughts he might be trying to plant right now?

I wish I could hear what they're saying.

And I wish I didn’t have to linger at the corner like a fucking creep. But if this loser is trying to steal my woman away from me…

My woman.

Shit, now I sound like the fucking loser here.

I jerk up when I see them moving again, raising their voices as they charge at each other. Or rather he charges at her and she manages just in time to get out his reach, running up the stairs as she digs inside her purse, searching for something. Maybe pepper spray. Oh God, how I'd love that.

I swear, when this motherfucker runs up the stairs after her, pushing her against the door as he threatens her, I'm this close to rushing over and beating his fucking face in. I'm just about to make my move when he suddenly backs off after she screams something that even I can understand from where I'm standing.

It's just one word. One short, simple word. But it's a powerful one.


He freezes at the sound of it, his body stiff as he retreats from her, taking one step back, then another. Their stares rest on each other for just a moment before Lila turns around and unlocks the door. Lucky for him, he doesn't try to stop her when she slips through the door, quickly closing it behind herself and disappearing out of our view.

Seconds stretch into an eternity as we both stand frozen, his eyes glued to the door that just closed in front of him, mine glued to him.

I won't leave before he does. So I wait.