Page 17 of Red Velvet

I know, thanks to Elene, that there’s a different world out there, and I’ve been curious about it for a while. I was intrigued long before I broke up with Jim, but I never allowed myself to be more than an observer from afar, a bystander whose interest was satisfied by not even watching, just merely listening to the few details my sister was willing to share.

That was it.

Until now.

Now I have a date with Kade Armitage, a man whose relation to my sister and her husband I still don't understand. All I know is I can’t stop thinking about him and about the things he said, the things he promised, and the way his hand felt around my throat.

And that kiss.That goddamn kiss.

It was just that one kiss on the balcony. I thought he would kiss me again when he led me away from the crowd, inviting me to hide in a secluded room all by ourselves. My inexperienced heart was pounding with excitement, impatient for our lips to meet again.

But it never happened. We just talked. He gave me his business card and ordered me to finish my water, and then he got up and walked out, shutting the door behind him as if he wanted to prevent me from following.

I just sat there, my eyes glued to the door while I tried to make sense of what had just happened.

He told me to let a day pass before contacting him—and to be completely sober when I did. The ball was completely in my court, as he never asked for my number or any other way to contact me.

That’s all the control he’s willing to give me, it seems. I was only allowed to take that very first step, to decide whether or not we would see each other again.

Everything after that happened under his command. I tried to protest when he wrote that he wanted to pick me up, because I’m a grown woman and can very well get wherever I need to be on my own. But he wouldn't have any of it. He demanded an address, any address, so he knew where I’d wait for him.

Any address, he’d said. So I did something silly and gave him an address two blocks away from where I actually live, because it felt safer. In retrospect, I’m cursing myself for that ridiculous move, because it means I have to walk down the street in an outfit that’s not meant for walking in public. It’s way too warm for the light trench coat I wrapped around my body, and I feel like I’m drawing looks left and right as I stalk down the pavement in quick but shaky steps. I’ve never had a man tell me what to wear for a date, and I never thought I would not only listen to such requests, but even enjoy doing so.

His demand was simple, but so wrong and naughty that I gasped out loud when I read his message.

A short black dress or skirt, no underwear, and black stockings.

No underwear!

And yet I obeyed.

My instincts jolted in revolt, urging me to object to the humiliating command, but my body knew better. A blush warmed my cheeks and a pleasant tickle spread through my core. I was appalled and excited at the same time, but decided to focus on the latter.

It’s weird, and new, and forbidden. It’s everything I believe I need, and my heart flutters now that I feel my nakedness beneath the loose-fitting trench coat, hidden from strange eyes but so present in my restless mind.

I don't wear high heels often and have very little practice when it comes to walking in them, so I let out a sigh of relief when I finally reach the address I gave to Kade. It was my plan to be there early so he wouldn't see that I’m not living here, but as soon as I come to a halt, I notice a black limousine parked in front of the building. The spick-and-span finish radiates sharp reflections of the sun, standing out against the rest of the cars parked on the street, oozing a kind of wealth that’s foreign to this neighborhood.

It must be him.


The door opens and he steps out, looking just as marvelous as I remember him from my sister's wedding in a black suit, topped with a white shirt underneath and a dark red tie that stands out in an odd way. I don't know why, but it catches my eye more than anything else when he approaches me, a confident smile gracing his handsome face as he closes the distance between us with just a few steps. His dark fauxhawk is gelled into place, the strands not moving an inch even when a gust of wind blows my blonde mane in front of my eyes. I hurry to bring my hair back into place by tucking it behind my ear, meeting his gaze with a shy smile.

"Evening, Lila," he greets me, and my lips part in surprise when he reaches for my hand, placing a gentle kiss on my knuckles before gesturing for me to follow him.

"E-evening," I stutter as another rush of nervous confusion travels down my spine.

He’s the perfect gentleman, opening the door for me and waiting until I’ve taken my seat before he closes it, then walks around to the other side to join me in the back seat. A blackened glass panel separates us from the driver, making it impossible to see who’s behind the wheel. I can’t help but wonder whether it’s soundproof, too.

"Are you nervous?"

His question pulls me out of my absent-minded pondering. I inhale audibly, responding with a quiet nod as the car’s set into motion.

"Good. You should be," he says, casting me a dark smile.

The shock on my face seems to amuse him. He shakes his head, chuckling as he reaches for my shivering hand.

"You should be nervous, but you shouldn’t be afraid. Nothing needs to happen if you don't want it to."