She frowns. "You're slurring, Lila. How drunk are you?"
I stiffen, my eyes locked on hers as I try to stand as straight as possible without weaving from one side to the other.
Easier said than done.Shit, why is it so hard to stand without swaying?
"I'm fine," I insist, raising my hand as if to shield myself from her worry. "Everything's fine. I can hold my liquor."
"You've had too much."
She's right about that, and I'm sure I'm going to regret a lot of tonight's decisions tomorrow. But that's future-Lila's problem.
And it sure as hell shouldn't be any of Elene's problems, not tonight nor tomorrow.
"Please, Lila," she says, stepping even closer so only I can hear her whispered words. "I know tonight is hard for you, but—"
"I'm sorry. I'll be good, I promise."
She casts me a confused look. "I'm not Mom," she hisses. "Why are you acting like this?"
Because I'm fucking drunk, wasted, intoxicated to a level that I shouldn't be.
Of course, I can't admit any of that. But I can get out of Elene's watchful eye and make sure she's no longer subjected to my misdeeds. She has other things to worry about right now.
"I'm fine," I repeat, fighting hard not to slur my words. "But I really need to go to the bathroom right now, so if you'll excuse me…."
I take a step back—not staggering—and free myself from her touch. Her hand glides off my shoulder, her eyes never leaving mine as she allows me to distance myself from her.
I don't know what's worse, the shame that overcomes me as I'm faced with Elene's worrisome look, or the guilt I feel when reminding myself that her concern is justified.
"Maybe you should go up to your room and lie down a little," she suggests. There's no reproach in her voice, no anger, no blame, just that damn worry and something else, something that makes me feel even worse.
She's not only worried about me, she feels sorry for me.
"I'm fine," I insist for the umpteenth time. "I'll just splash some water on my face and I'll be good as new."
Even I don't believe it, but my words suffice to stop Elene from holding me back when I turn away and proceed to the restroom.
"I'll behave," I promise in a whisper that's not audible to her.
I'll behave. I'll be responsible, predictable, normal.
I'll be good.
I'll befuckinggood.
Chapter 6
He saw it. The guy who barged in on us saw what happened between the maid of honor and me, and he's not trying to hide it. The side eye he gives me after lighting his cigarette is enough of a tell. It's that sleazy look that men exchange in an attempt to congratulate one another for scoring.
But even in the dark I can tell he’s studying me. He's probably trying to place me, like everyone else did tonight. He furrows his eyebrows, revealing the focus as he tries to connect the dots.
I give him a polite but distant nod and turn away, taking another pull on a cigarette I never planned to smoke while my attention returns to the black vastness in front of us. I have no intention to engage in small talk with him and am prepared to endure a few minutes of awkward silence, but the guy has other things in mind.
"Didn't know she already had a new one," he says after releasing a cloud of thick smoke into the dark. "That was quick."