I curl up on one of the black sofas on the right half of the living room, my eyes shyly scanning the room as I wait for Elene, who’s rummaging for something in the kitchen.
I'm surprised when she shows up with an open bottle of white wine and two glasses to join me on the sofa.
"It's not even three o’clock!"
She nods, already pouring. "Yes, which means you should be at work, but you're not. You were standing in front of my house, crying and saying Jim stole your phone and is trying to blackmail you."
Elene raises an eyebrow at me, handing me one of the glasses. "So whatever this is about, it must be serious. And you know how we deal with serious."
She gives me a benevolent smile while we clink glasses, and I already feel a thousand times better. I take a much larger swig from my glass than she does, needing the wine to loosen my tongue, because despite everything, it’ll still be hard for me to open up about all the things I need to share with Elene.
"And you mentioned Kade," she continues, her curious gaze locking me down. "This isn't Kade Armitage you're talking about by any chance?"
The sigh I let out at her question reveals the answer I wasn't ready to give. She must’ve suspected something was going on between us ever since the wedding, and I feel terrible for never officially telling her.
So I try to make up for it now, by spilling everything I'm comfortable sharing with her. I tell her about what happened at the wedding, and how I never wanted her to find out about it because I was scared I could ruin her special day. I told her about what Kade did to me, what kind of things he suggested we'd try together and how he brought me to her old workplace, The Velvet Rooms.
A broad grin spreads across her face when I tell her about that part, about how intrigued I was and how Kade made sure I was ready to go up to the red room with him.
"The red room, huh?" She grins. "I only ever used the black one."
I'm inclined to ask her about it, but I'm not sure I'm ready to hear the answer. So I just continue, talking about all the doubts and worries I had, especially considering the things Kade did to me. And I tell her about the pictures he asked me to take for him. The pictures that are now in Jim's hand, and with which he tried to threaten me.
"I mean, he's kind of right," I say, my voice trembling with insecurity. "It is sick, and—"
"Don't say that! It's not. You enjoyed it, didn't you?"
I nod without hesitation. "Yes, but—"
"There is no ‘but.’ You liked it, you loved it, and from it sounds like, Kade was very careful and went about it just the way he's supposed to. Like a true Velvet Room gentleman. He wouldn't be allowed in there if he wasn't a decent man, trust me."
"Yes, but still, it's not normal."
"Oh screw normal, Lila. I thought that's exactly what you were trying to get away from?"
I nod, feeling incredibly stupid. She's right. Of course she's right. Kade is everything Jim is not—and everything I was looking for. I enjoyed my time with him, and I know I want more.
Why can't it be that easy?
"You’re even wearing his collar!" Elene pipes as she spots the collar peeking through above my turtleneck, just like I feared it would at some point.
I blush, instantly moving my hand up to my throat to shield myself from her curious but favorable eyes.
"That’s so cute," she adds, assessing the situation in a completely different manner than Jim did.
I look at her, narrowing my eyes as I remember something else Jim said while we were fighting in front of my door. "Jim told me you said you were worried about me."
Elene furrows her eyebrows for a moment before she responds.
"Oh yes, we talked very briefly when he congratulated me after the wedding," she recalls. "And I might’ve said I was worried about you having a hangover, because you drank a lot. Maybe I mentioned seeing you walk around with Kade? But I swear that’s all I said. I never said anything about worrying about you!" she hurries to add. "I mean, why would I? I didn't even know if anything was going on between you guys. I only saw you with him for a split second, so why would I even suspect anything? For all I know, you went home alone after my wedding."
Her eyes are wide as she leans forward, placing her hand on mine. "Lila, I swear I didn't tell him anything."
I nod. "I trust you. He probably just twisted your words because he wanted to scare me."
"It sure sounds like it," she agrees. "It's insane, really. I never thought Jim would ever do such a thing. He seemed like such a nice guy."
I huff, shaking my head as a dark smile appears on my face. "Yeah, such a nice guy."