I know this stance. He’s pissed.
I nod. “Yes, that’s Jim.”
“What’s he doing here? Is he waiting for you?”
“That’s what it looks like.”
“Did you agree to meet tonight?”
I turn around, throwing a dark frown at Kade. “Of course not. Why would I do that? And why tonight, when I’m out with you? That makes no sense.”
My heart is galloping with anger. I’m furious at Kade for even suggesting something so idiotic. Is he seriously that jealous?
“I’m sorry, I have to go deal with this,” I tell him as I unfasten my seat belt, about to get out of the car.
“I’m coming with you.”
“No you’re not, Kade. This doesn’t concern you.”
But he’s faster than me, already out of the car while I’m still trying to argue with him.
I watch in terror as he approaches Jim with wide and determined steps, balling his hands into fists as if getting ready for a physical confrontation.
I jump out of the car, not even bothering to close the door behind me as I run after him.
“Kade! Stop!”
He slows at the sound of my voice but doesn’t stop walking, his gaze still fixated on Jim, who’s turning around to us with an expression I’ve never seen on his face before: a colorful blend of shock, surprise, and confusion topped with a cold splash of utter pain. His jaw drops as his eyes dart back and forth between me and Kade as we approach him with different intent.
I catch up to Kade and manage to grab his strong arm, feeling helpless and small as my fingers dig into the fabric of his suit jacket, fully aware that I can only hold him back if he lets me.
“Please, Kade, I can handle this,” I beg him. “Please don’t do anything stupid.”
He nods, accompanied by an unhappy growl. “I won’t if he won’t.”
Fair enough. I know Jim well enough to know he’s not one to provoke a fight, especially not against someone who’s physically superior to him.
With Kade, however, I’m not so sure.
I step in front of him, placing myself between the two as we come to a halt at the foot of the steps. Jim still has his hands in his pocket as he leisurely walks down to us. I’m sure it’s no coincidence that he stops at the first step, towering over both of us when he says, “So that’s the replacement, huh?”
Kade shuffles behind me, and I move closer in front of him, making sure he’d have to push me aside before he could reach Jim.
“Jim, what are you doing here?” It’s hard to tell if he’s just furious and nervous, or if he might be intoxicated. The latter wouldn’t bode well for him.
“What’shedoing here?” he barks back at me, pointing at Kade, whose anxious rage is palpable. “Who is that asshole, anyway?”
“Hey, buddy—”
I literally slam against Kade as he takes a step forward, raising his fist at Jim, who flinches in surprise. My back hits rock-hard chest with such a strong impact that it pushes the air out of my lungs. Kade is so enraged that he’s trembling, holding back only because I force him to.
“Oh, you don’t have to protect your new boyfriend from me, Lila!” Jim snaps, coming dangerously close as he takes that last step down to us. I can tell by the spark of insecurity that dashes across his face that he only now realizes how much taller than him Kade really is, but it doesn’t slow him in the least. On the contrary, it seems to fuel his irrational hate even more.
“Big guy can’t fight for himself, can he?” he bellows at Kade, completely ignoring me.
Kade almost pushes me out of the way as he tries to reach Jim, who still protrudes his chin defiantly at him.