Page 16 of Red Velvet

"Could what? Become even richer? And then what? I know Dad was irritated at the way I used my trust fund, that I 'pissed it away,' as he called it. Well I didn't. I may not have quadrupled it, but I'm doing very well, even without being involved in the family business like you are. There's no reason why I should have to defend myself in front of you guys."

My brother glares at me, his dark eyes narrow and flickering with rage. He’s two years my senior, but we look so much alike that we’ve been mistaken for twins most of our life. Since he’s the firstborn, it was only natural for my father to choose him as his successor early on. Everything was laid out for him before he was even out of the womb, and as far as I know, that never bothered him. While Greg may not be the picture-perfect son, having a promiscuous reputation and a suspiciously dark cloak about most of his free-time activities, he always gave his best when it came to the family business he’s meant to take over once my father passes it along. He always cared for things I couldn't care less about.

"This is not about defending yourself, Kade," he says, supporting himself on a table between us as he bends down to me. "I’m just… worried about you."

Now I’m the one huffing with indignation. "Worried? Why the fuck would you be worried about me?"

He presses his lips together, a crease appearing between his black eyebrows.

"Fuck it," he spits. "Fine. I'll let you do whatever the fuck it is you want."

He pauses, catching my unfazed gaze before he adds, "Even if it means you throwing away all your potential."

I shoot him a condescending smile as I slowly shake my head. "It's called selling, brother."

"Yes, but selling too soon and for way too little!" he insists. I know he wants to add more, but he stops himself with a deep inhale, raising his hand with his palm facing me.

"Whatever," he says, more to himself than to me. "Your life. Your decision."

"Damn straight," I agree, my eyes wandering back to my phone on the table in front of me. I was nice enough to put it on silent while my brother wasted his time on me, but I can see the little light blinking, telling me someone’s trying to reach me. It could be a missed phone call, an e-mail, a text message—maybe from her.

"Are we done here?" I ask, my eyes darting back up to my brother.

He glares at me, visibly annoyed and tense. "Guess so."

"Good, thanks."

I jump up from my chair, grabbing my phone before I give him a short goodbye nod, and head for the door.

"Don't forget dinner on Sunday," he yells after me. "Seven sharp."

I don't turn, just give him a quick wave to let him know I heard him before the door snaps shut behind me.

Chapter 10


I would like to see you again. And maybe go to The Velvet Rooms.

This is Lila, btw.

Maybe? Do you want to go there or not?

I think I do.

I'll need a more definite statement.

I want to go to The Velvet Rooms with you. Please.

Friday, 8pm. Let me know where I should pick you up.

I will admit, I was a little irked at him for simply assuming I’d be free that evening. I mean, Iwasfree, but still, a normal person would be polite enough to ask.

But he isn’t normal. He is anythingbutnormal. That’s exactly why I feel so attracted to him—and a little scared. He emits darkness, danger and a promise for exactly the kind of adventure I’m seeking right now.

I think.

After all, how am I supposed to know what I really want? I’m twenty-six years old and I’ve never tried anything that wasn't put directly in my path. I had a regular college education, started a regular job as a sales assistant in a large publishing house, and I always had regular boyfriends. Nothing out of the ordinary in any way, but "admirable," as my parents like to call it.