“Damn fucking right you belong to me, angel,” I ground out as I plunged balls deep inside her. “This hot, tight pussy belongs to me.” I punctuated my words with another hard thrust. My hands cupped her breasts and squeezed. “These perfect tits belong to me.” Thrust. My hands slid back to grasp her ass. “This ass is all mine.” Thrust. “But what I really want is your love.” Thrust. “It’s mine, isn’t it Macy?”

“Yes!” she screamed.

“Fuck, I love you so much, baby.” A wild, animalistic beast clawed to the surface and I fucked her hard and fast, driving us both closer and closer to oblivion.

“Yes! I’m almost—Don’t stop, Rhys!”

If I hadn’t been lost to my need for her, I might have laughed. Nothing could make me stop now.

“Fuck, Macy! Oh, yeah! Just like that. Fuck!” I shouted. “Come, angel. I want to feel your pussy milking my cock, sucking up every fucking drop of my come.” She may not have admitted it out loud, but her walls clamped down at my words. She wanted my baby. She was so tight, I had to fight my way out so I could push back in. “Let go, Macy,” I commanded, and my roar battled with her screams as we came together.

It was one of the strongest orgasms I’d ever had and my knees were weak. So, I twisted around and slid down the wall to sit on the ground as we panted and tried to recover. I kept her flush against me, still buried deep, not wanting any of my seed to leak. If she wasn’t already, I was sure this time I’d succeeded in planting my baby in her belly.

My mouth sought out hers and I kissed her tenderly, pouring my love into it. “I love you, angel,” I whispered. “If this is what’s going to happen every time you get published, I’m going to make sure every one of your books lands before the right set of eyes.”

Macy giggled. “You act like it was all your doing that got me published.” She smacked my chest and I stopped breathing as I realized what I’d said. “Not that you weren’t integral by talking me into sending my book to them.” She kissed my chin, then down my neck. I stifled my sigh of relief when it was clear she’d misunderstood me.

“You better call Weston. We might be a little late since you got me all dirty and now I need to shower,” she smirked.

Without losing our connection, I carefully got to my feet and carried her upstairs to our bedroom. Entering the master bath, I set her on the counter and finally withdrew. I hated leaving the warmth and comfort inside her. I would give up anything if I could live with my cock permanently in her pussy.

After pressing the button to activate the heated floors and picking the water temperature on the digital display by the shower, I picked her up again and carried her under the spray.

“You’re always carrying me,” she mumbled, shaking her head, though her arms clung to me a little tighter.

“That’s because I like having you pressed against me,” I murmured against her lips. “And, you’re tiny, angel. Lighter than a feather.” I grinned when she frowned.

“I am not tiny!”

I squeezed her affectionately. “You’re perfect for me.”

“You always say the sweetest things.” She sighed and melted into me. Where there was Macy, an erection was never far behind. And, holding her naked in my arms, under the hot water, had him standing at full attention. Macy’s eyebrows raised when the tip brushed against her ass. She grinned seductively. “I guess we’re going to be really late.”

“Holy cow!” Aspen shrieked, pulling Macy in for a hug. She rolled her eyes when I grumbled and tugged Macy back into my embrace. I didn’t like anyone wrapping themselves around my woman, even if it was another female who was happily married.

Macy had waited until after dinner, which we were surprisingly only twenty minutes late for, to share her news. As expected, Aspen and Jenna were over the moon for her.

“I want all the details!” Jenna clapped her hands excitedly as she spoke.

We moved to their living room and Macy happily told them everything that had been in the email. The cry of a baby sounded through the monitor on the end table and Weston kissed Aspen’s forehead before leaving the room.

Jenna was cocooned in Quinn’s arms on the couch, but she sat forward and tapped her chin with her index finger, looking thoughtful.

“What was the name of the publishing house?”

Dread trickled into my veins and my arms tightened around Macy.

“Harbor House Publishing.” She titled her head up and smiled at me, her eyes sparkling.

I leaned down and kissed her nose, hoping she wouldn’t notice my apprehension.

“That sounds familiar,” Aspen mused.

Jenna snapped her fingers and sat up straight. “Oh, I know!” She looked at me, completely unaware of the fact that she was about to make my life a lot fucking harder. “Isn’t that where your friend’s sister works? Kassidy something?”

Macy froze. I think even her heart stopped beating for a moment. Then she slowly pulled out of my embrace. “Kassidy Bell?” she asked Jenna.

“That’s right,” Aspen jumped in. “She’s Dillon’s sister. What a coincidence.”

Macy turned to face me. “Is it?” she asked quietly, her emerald eyes icy.

Fucking hell.



I forced myself to remain calm. It wasn’t an easy task because I was filled with a confusing mixture of hurt and pissed off, but I wasn’t in the mood to make an ass out of myself in front of an audience. If it was just Aspen, it would be different since I knew my best friend would never judge me. She’d be the first to have my back, just like I’ve had hers many times before. And guessing by the looks on Jenna and Quinn’s faces, they already had a good idea just how pissed off I was about what I suspected Rhys had done. But even if they’d understand me pitching a fit, it didn’t matter because this was a conversation I wanted to have with Rhys in private. And that meant we couldn’t do it here.

Once I’d managed to get a hold of my emotions, I turned to look at Aspen. “Dinner was great, but Rhys and I need to head out now.”

She jumped up from her seat and gave me a big hug. “Give him hell,” she whispered in my ear. I nodded jerkily in agreement. “And after you’ve gotten some of the anger out of your system, listen when he explains what dumb, masculine logic was behind whatever it was that he did. You’re not going to want to hear what he has to say, but I’ve seen you with him—you’re going to hate it even more if things don’t work out between the two of you.”

Her warning wasn’t what I wanted to hear right at that moment, but it was probably exactly what I needed. A reminder of what was at stake. “Okay,” I agreed, my voice shaky.

She offered me an encouraging smile, one I didn’t have in me to return, as she backed away so I could say goodbye to Jenna and Quinn.

“Guys can be idiots—” Jenna started.

“Hey!” her fiancé complained.

“Let me finish,” she huffed, rolling her eyes at him. “As I was saying, guys can be idiots but they usually mean well. You just need to put him on a shorter leash going forward so he doesn’t mess up quite so badly again.”

Even with as angry as I was, I still giggle-snorted at the image that popped in my head of Jenna leading Quinn around by a leash.

“I’ll show you a shorter leash when we get home tonight,” Quinn purred, making Jenna’s face fill with heat as her eyes widened in embarrassment.

“I was only gone for ten minutes. How the fuck did the conversatio

n turn into shit that’s likely to get Quinn killed?” Weston growled as he walked into the living room.

“Long story short, Macy got a publishing deal.” Aspen held one hand up to stop her husband from interrupting when his eyes lit up and he started to open his mouth. “You’re going to have to save your congratulations for later because it’s with a company where Rhys has a personal connection, so he has some explaining to do to my very stubborn best friend who never wants to accept help from anyone.”

“Stubborn is an understatement,” Weston muttered, turning towards me. “But let me know if you need any help kicking his ass.”

“Seriously?” Rhys grumbled, shooting him a frustrated look. “Like you don’t understand exactly where I was coming from? And what ever happened to solidarity of gender?”

“Maybe I do.” Aspen giggled and mumbled “maybe” under her breath in a sarcastic tone. Weston pulled her into his side and gave her a big squeeze before continuing. “But I warned you about my talent for burying bodies before you got involved with her. Now you’ve hurt her, and you need to figure out how to make it right before I have to step in and do something about it.”

Rhys looked like he was ready to take Weston on, his muscles bunched up as he glared at his friend. “She’s mine.”

“I never said she wasn’t, just that you’d better fix what you’ve broken.”

“I fucking love her. Of course I’m going to fix this.”

“I’ve had enough of the male pissing contest you two have going on.” I glared at both men. “Weston, there’s no need for you to grab a shovel because I’m perfectly capable of kicking Rhys’s ass if I need to.”

“Plus she has me to help bury his body if it comes down to that,” Aspen piped in.

“And you”—I wagged my finger at Rhys—“If you want any chance of fixing this, we need to go. Now.”

“Good luck,” Weston chuckled.

“I think I’m going to need it,” Rhys muttered as we walked out the door.