I couldn’t hide behind the pillow anymore. She was right, I was a complete sucker for my kids.

“I guess I’ll have to wear something else to bed since ours will be so crowded,” she called after she disappeared around the corner.

I quickly followed after her. “Something else?”

She glanced back with a smug smile. “Well, not so much something else as plain old something instead of nothing at all.”

I hurried down the hall and into my daughter’s bedroom, Ellie’s laughter trailing behind me. Holding Addy, we checked the closet, under the bed, and every nook and crevice for monsters.

“See, baby girl? Nothing to be afraid of,” I crooned, kissing her forehead. I bent to lay her in her new toddler, princess bed, but she clung tightly to me.

“Stay, Daddy?” she begged, tugging at my heartstrings. However, it had been a week since Ellie and I had an early night like this, one where we both weren’t too tired for more than a quick fuck. I was dying to make love to my wife, to worship every inch of her delectable body, to taste her honey.

“Can you be my best girl, Addy? Show me how brave you are?” Her eyes teared up again and I swore a violent streak of curses for the shit I was going to take from Ellie for what I was about to do. Not to mention the shit from Bailey, Wyatt, and my dad, because Ellie would be on the phone first thing when she found out. My dick didn’t give a fuck, so I gave up trying. “If you go right to sleep and be brave, you can have some of your birthday cake for breakfast.”

Her eyes got wide, suddenly dry with no evidence of tears, and a smile spread over her sweet face as she nodded vigorously.

“Okay,” I said as I tucked her in. “The faster you go to sleep, the faster morning will be here and you can have cake.”

She immediately scrunched her eyes shut and snuggled into the teddy bear I placed in her arms. When she was settled, I raced to my bedroom, halting in disappointment when my wife wasn’t waiting naked in bed for me.

Then I noticed the trail of clothes on the floor leading to the bathroom. When I opened the door, I stopped to admire the view of Ellie standing in the shower under the hot spray of water, cascading down her incredible body.

I shed my clothes at lightning speed and stepped in behind her, pulling her back against me and cupping her full tits. I fucking loved her body and it only got more luscious and beautiful with every baby.

“You promised her cake, didn’t you?” she asked.

I ignored her and slipped a hand down to play with her pussy, making her moan. I was so fucking hard, I was afraid it would only take one shift of her hips to make me explode. But, I wanted a taste first.

I dropped to my knees and turned her so I was at eye level with her pretty pussy. “I’ve missed your honey, baby.” A long, slow lick had her shuddering with need. I ate her pussy, savoring every bite, lick, and suck. I made her come twice before I was satisfied and surged to my feet, lifting her off the ground and impaling her as I pressed her against the wall.

“Oh fuck! You feel so good, baby.”

She squeezed her inner muscles and I was on the verge of coming, so I began to pump into her, while I played with her clit. She was crying out and meeting my every thrust with her hips.

“You ready, baby? I’m going to come, Ellie! Fuck, I need you to come!”

Suddenly, she froze and I reared back in surprise.

“Condom, Jack,” she panted.

I scowled. “Fuck the condom, Ellie. I only take you bare.”

She mirrored my dark expression and opened her mouth to argue, but I didn’t let her get a word out before covering her mouth with my own and driving in two more times, setting us both off.

After we had Addy, I’d agreed to wear a condom until Ellie was ready to try again, but the first time I tried it, I couldn’t feel her and I pulled out, tore it off, and dove back inside. She was pretty pissed when she turned up pregnant three months later. I thought it was fucking fantastic and I told her so. She accused me of being a Neanderthal and stormed out of the room. With a little chocolate and a whole lot of eating her pussy, it didn’t take me long to convince her to forgive me.

“Dad!” Addy yelled, banging on our bedroom door. “I know you’re in there!”

I lifted my mouth from where I was devouring Ellie’s honey and frowned. “Adult time, Addy!” I shouted, grateful I remembered to lock the door.

Ellie chortled and I glared at her.

“Why do I have to watch the other kids?” she whined.

“Because I said so. Now, go be a good daughter and give your mom and I some alone time.”

She stomped away from the door, muttering loudly, “You better not be giving me another brother or sister!”

Ellie was all out laughing and I scowled. She held her hands up in a sign of surrender. “Hey, you’re the one who decided five was the magic number.”

The dark look on my face must have morphed into complete and utter shock because Ellie rolled her eyes and gave me a dry look.

“Five?” I croaked.

“Yup. What did you think would happen when you couldn’t keep a rubber on your giant cock?”

I tried, I really did, but every time I felt something between us, I couldn’t stand it. It was like I couldn’t breathe until we were one.

After a moment the shock wore off and a smug smile crossed my face. I looked down at her currently flat stomach. Way to go, boys.

Bonus Scene: A Puppy!


When Jack opened the front door and peeked his head inside with a mischievous look in his chocolate brown eyes, I should have known he was up to something. His dark hair was even more tousled than usual, and his tie looked like one of his patients had nibbled on it. If he’d had our youngest son with him, I would have understood the slobber on his tie. Ethan was twenty months old and his second set of molars were coming in, so he considered anything in the vicinity of his mouth fair game. But all the kids had been home with me today. All morning.

I was trying to get the house ready for Addy’s tenth birthday party since we were about to be invaded by a swarm of her school friends. Jack had up and disappeared on me bright and early this morning. He’d claimed something urgent had come up at the hospital as he left me collapsed on our bed, boneless from the orgasm he’d given me. Before I’d been able to argue, he was gone.

Narrowing my eyes at him, I placed my hands on my hips and tried to give him the death glare. I felt myself quickly weakening, though, when he flashed me a boyish grin. “It’s about time you made it back home. Addy’s friends are going to be here any minute now.”

“Sorry, baby.” His tone was apologetic, but his expression hadn’t changed at all, and he still hadn’t stepped through the door. He was definitely up to something. “I didn’t think it would take me this long, or I would have let you in on the surprise.”

“Surprise?” I wasn’t sure I liked the sound of that. Especially not on Addy’s birthday, since our oldest girl had her daddy firmly wrapped around her finger. And then I heard it, a soft whining sound coming from behind Jack. He hadn’t.

“A surprise, Daddy?” Addy gasped behind me, racing past me. “Please, please, please tell me it’s what I hope it is!”

Before he pulled the little white ball of fluff from behind his back, I knew. He really had.

“A puppy!” she squealed. “This is the best birthday ever, Daddy!”

“Yes, Daddy. The best birthday ever,” I agreed wryly. How could I really be upset when my baby girl was so happy? Although, it would have been nice if I’d known he was going to get her the puppy today. He’d just gotten me to agree to one this morning, right after he’d given me an orgasm.