I pulled back and stared at the gorgeous woman beneath me and noticed the dried tears on her face. After another quick kiss, I caressed her cheek, tracing the salty tracks. “No need to cry, baby. I’ll fuck you as many times as I need to until you’re swollen with my baby in your belly,” I promised and was rewarded with the sweet sound of her laughter.

A thought crashed into me and I jumped from the bed and started for the door, halting after a few steps and whirling around. I pointed at her. “You. Stay.”

She scrunched her cute little nose in distaste. “You better be practicing for when we have a dog, Dr. Halston.”

I groaned helplessly. Whenever she called me Dr. Halston, it turned me the fuck on. I pointed to her once again and raced from the room, determined to get back as fast as possible. I practically flew down the back set of stairs to my office and snatched a small blue box from the drawer of my desk. Just as swiftly, I returned to our room and climbed back over her.

Satisfied she’d stayed where I put her, I kissed her forehead. “Good girl.” She glared at me.

I put the most innocent expression on my face that I could manage. “I guess you don’t want your treat for being obedient then?” I held up the petite box and her jaw dropped, an excited sparkle in her eye. “Did you think I was fucking around when I told the pussy I was your fiancé?” I grinned, remembering how I’d staked my fucking claim on my woman.

“You never said anything, I assumed—”

I cut her off, “Well, you were wrong. I was trying to think of a romantic way to propose, something incredibly romantic. But, I can’t wait any longer. I need everyone to know you’re not available. I own you.”

She rolled her eyes, but there was a smile playing around the corners of her mouth. I untied the silky, white bow and removed the lid. Taking out a black, velvet box, I flipped it open to reveal a five-carat, cushion cut diamond, set in a diamond encrusted, platinum band. Ellie gasped, her face filled with awe as she touched the ring with the tips of her fingers, tracing it in the velvet display.

“It’s stunning, Jack. I love it.”

“You love who?” I asked gruffly, jealous of a stupid ring.

She winked at me. “I love you.” Then I heard her mutter under her breath, “Almost as much.”

“You’re going to pay for that, baby,” I grumbled. Taking the ring from the box, I slid it onto her trembling finger. “You know what this mean, right?” I asked warily, and then it occurred to me we hadn’t discussed her ridiculous job offer. “No moving, no new job, no Declan,” I spat his name, still fighting the urge to rearrange his face for trying to steal my girl.

Ellison huffed, “Do you have to steamroll everything?”

I frowned, offended at her accusation and a tad unsure what she meant. “No,” I said with conviction. “But when my fiancée is considering moving out of state and”—I glared fiercely at her—“lets other men take her to lunch, I’m sure as fuck going to steamroll anything or anyone who gets in my way.”

Her lips turned down into a pout, adorable and utterly irresistible. I drank from her lips until she bit my lip a little harder than usual.

“Fuck! What the hell, Ellie?”

“You distracted me.”

“And?” I asked with a single raised eyebrow.

She scowled and it grew when I couldn’t keep myself from grinning. I fucking loved her to pieces.

“I was going to tell you I’d decided not to take the job. I want to stay here, to be with you. But your damn caveman tactics stole my thunder. I wanted to tell you I was devastated not to be pregnant. I love you, Neanderthal and all.”

I winked at her and smiled. “I’ll make it up to you,” I vowed before kissing her until she was breathless and quaking with need.

There was only one thing left to do before I could spend the rest of the day making her scream my name. Tearing my mouth from hers (no easy feat, I might add), I stretched over to grab her cell phone off of the nightstand.

“Call him, now,” I demanded, handing her the phone.

She was watching me with amusement. “Call who?”

“Don’t mess with me, baby. You’ve already guaranteed I’m going to punish you by making you orgasm as hard and as often as possible until you pass out. If you want to keep it up, you’ll earn a round two.”

She winked. “Promise?”

I laughed, but grabbed the phone away from her and looked for his contact info, pressing send before putting it on speaker. She made a grab for it, but I caught her wrists and held them locked in one hand above her head.

“Ellie!” Douche bag’s voice came over the line and my hand tightened at the use of her nickname. My nickname. I opened my mouth to tell him off, but Ellison started talking.

“Declan,” she replied.

“I hope you’re calling to accept the job, and give me a chance.”

This guy was pissing me off more and more. I could feel the flush of anger and knew my face had to be turning red.

“Um,” Ellie was giving me a warning in her eyes, telling me to back off and let her handle it. I nodded jerkily, willing to acquiesce to her request, for the moment.

“No, I am incredibly flattered and it’s certainly a very tempting offer.” I growled at the idea she might find it tempting to leave me.

She hissed at me to shut up, quiet enough so it wouldn’t carry into the phone.

“Please, Ellie. Give us a chanc—“

I’d had it. “Her name is Dr. Reed or soon to be Dr. Halston, whichever of those you prefer to call her,” I snapped. “Actually, you won’t be calling her anything. So back the fuck off and leave my woman alone.”

I hit the disconnect button and dropped the phone onto the plush, carpeted floor. I didn’t give her an opportunity to lash out at me. I busied myself with giving her six screaming orgasms until she passed out.

If possible, I was even more determined to knock my woman up. Alright boys, we’re going to war.



Jack had been doing his best to turn that negative pregnancy test positive over the last few days, waking me up at least once every night to give it an extra try. He’d turned me into a walking zombie with all his attempts. I hadn’t been this tired since my residency years. I used to be able to go for several days on very little sleep, but it looked like hitting my thirties meant I was too old to pull all-nighters anymore, even for sex.

I buried my face in my pillow when I felt the slide of the sheet on the bare skin of my back. “Must sleep.”

My words were muffled but apparently clear enough for Jack to understand based on his deep chuckle. “Up and at ‘em, baby. You’ve got things to do before I leave for my shift at the hospital.”

“No,” I moaned. “I really don’t have anything I need to do.”

“Are you sure about that?”

“Yeah,” I confirmed. “I’m pretty sure we did all the things already last night. And super early this morning. As much as I love you and as hot as you are, I don’t think I can handle any more orgasms until I get some sleep.”

“I’m not talking about sex, Ellie.”

He wasn’t? That was certainly a surprise. I raised up on an elbow to look at him and practically fell over at the sight of what he was holding in his hand. “You know you’re crazy, right?”

He waived the little white stick in my face. “You love my brand of crazy.”

“I just took one three days ago, and it was negative,” I grumbled, slumping back down on the mattress.

He shrugged his shoulders. “Maybe you peed on it wrong.”