Page 112 of The Yeah, Baby Series



Sienna snuggled deeper into my embrace, and I brushed a kiss over the top of her head. I hated to wake her. She’d run herself ragged the last week with exams and readying for the trip. But, as the plane touched down in L.A., she stirred and I looked down to see her eye lids fluttering. After a minute, they opened fully and she looked up at me with sleepy, chocolate eyes. She was so beautiful; it often took my breath away.

“We’re here, baby,” I murmured softly. Her eyes widened and she sat up, forcing me to reluctantly loosen my hold on her.

“I slept the whole flight?” she queried with a sheepish smile.

I kissed the tip of her nose, then pecked her lips. “You were exhausted. I wanted you to get some rest because I have plans for you later”—I gave her a wicked smile—“and they definitely don’t involve sleeping.”

She smirked at me and opened her mouth to say something but before she could make a sound, she slapped a hand over her lips and bolted off of my lap. She made a beeline for the bathroom, and I followed hastily to make sure she was okay. Once she was inside, she dropped to her knees in front of the toilet and lost everything she’d eaten that day.

I snatched a hand towel from a hook on the wall and ran it under cool water. Then I gently gathered up her hair and placed it on the back of her neck. She dry heaved a couple of times then plopped back onto her butt, seemingly exhausted once again.

I sat down next to her and pulled her onto my lap. Her head rested on my shoulder while I searched in the vanity under the sink. There were several items that travelers might find themselves without, including a small bottle of mouthwash.

“Can you stand, baby?” I asked softly.

She nodded weakly and scooted off of my lap. I got to my feet and took her hands to help her up. Supporting her with a hand on her hip, I used the other to fill a tiny, plastic cup with some water. “Sip,” I instructed as I put it to her lips. She leaned heavily against me, her back to my chest, her eyes closed. But, she dutifully allowed me to pour a bit of the cool liquid into her mouth.

Taking the towel from her neck, I wet it again and gently wiped her face. Her coloring was returning and little by little, she shifted her weight to stand on her own. I dumped the rest of the water and put mouthwash in the cup. Before I could lift it, she took it from me and rinsed her mouth with it on her own.

“Sorry,” she sighed. “I don’t handle travel very well. It doesn’t usually hit me quite that hard, but it’s been a long week.”

“Don’t apologize, baby,” I said gruffly, still watching her carefully in case she needed to be sick again.

She patted my hand on her hip before moving away. “I’m feeling much better now, I promise.”

I frowned and put my hand to her lower back as I guided her over to our seats. “I’m going to take you to the hotel to rest,” I said as I grabbed our carryon bags from the bin overhead.

She grumbled but I ignored her protests, leading her to the door and helping her down the steps. Another limo was waiting, and an airport employee was loading our luggage into the trunk while the limo driver held open the back door.

It wasn’t a long drive to the hotel, but it was certainly enough time for me to mull over a suspicion.

“Wow,” Sienna breathed as she wandered, wide-eyed, through our hotel suite. The room was huge, with a living area, full kitchen, and a master suite. She ducked her head into the bedroom and then faced me with a raised brow.

“Didn’t you book this right after we met?”

“Yes,” I answered as I prowled in her direction.

“Only one bedroom? Pretty presumptuous,” she stated sassily.

I grinned as I reached her and tugged her into my arms. “I knew you were the one for me the moment I met you, Sienna. It wasn’t presumptuous because I refused to accept any other outcome.”

She melted into me, and I sealed my mouth over hers in a deep kiss. My tongue slipped in to taste her and my hands dropped to her ass, pressing her tight against me. Unfortunately, I didn’t have time to satisfy our craving for each other. I had to get to the studio for some meeting. I tore my mouth away and sighed, resting my forehead against hers.

“Why don’t you get some rest and if you’re feeling up to it, I’ll take you to dinner tonight.”

“Are you going to”—she winked at me seductively—“rest with me?” The situation in my pants became really hard to ignore. “I absolutely meant that the way it sounded.”

“You have no idea how badly I’d like to do just that, baby. But, I have to go to the studio for a while.”

“Oh.” She pouted adorably, but then her expression brightened. “I should go with you. I’m your assistant.”

I was shaking my head before she was done speaking. “No, you need to rest, baby.”

Her eyes narrowed, and I recognized the stubborn glint in her beautiful brown eyes. “I’m feeling just fine. Like I was never sick. I told you, it was just traveling. We’re here now, and it won’t happen again.”

I eyed her skeptically, but when she was tenacious like this, I had to pick my battles. “All right. But, I’ll be watching you closely and if I see the slightest indication that you aren’t feeling well, I’m sending you back to the hotel.”

She bit her lip as she contemplated, distracting me with my desire to bite it for her. “Okay, I’ll accept your terms, Mr. Walker. But, you owe me.” She flipped around and sashayed over to the low table in front of a couch. My eyes were already glued to her perfect ass, but then she bent over to pick up her purse and I almost lost control.

I debated just how important my meetings were. With a sigh, I tried to think about anything other than fucking Sienna because if I missed my meetings, I’d be in breach of contract.

Closing the gap between us, I smacked her ass as she stood. “Trust me, baby. I’ll more than pay up.”

“Jude,” I greeted the show’s producer as I shook his hand. I fought the temptation to squeeze it hard enough to break a few bones as he was staring at Sienna the whole time. Not sparing me a glance.

“And who is this exquisite creature?” he purred as he dropped my hand and grabbed hers, raising it up so he could kiss the back.

I snatched it away from him and put my arm around Sienna’s waist, hauling her into my side. “This is my assistant and fiancée, Sienna.” My voice held a clear warning, and he finally gave me his attention. He looked disappointed for a second, then smoothed over his expression. It wasn’t hard for him to do with all the Botox in his face.

Sienna’s lips were pressed together, practically forming a straight line. I was afraid he’d upset her until she raised her eyes to mine and I saw the laughter dancing in them.

I shook my head, her amusement soothing some of my fury at Jude. But, I kept her close as we followed him through the studio and glared at every set of eyes that lingered too long on my woman.

We entered a very large, state-of-the-art kitchen with multiple cooking stations and shelves upon shelves of pretty much any ingredient you could ever want. The whole set up was almost enough to give me a chef’s boner. A giggle from Sienna broke through my reverent adoration of the space. She was looking up at me, laughing.

“You should see your expression right now, Owen,” she chortled gleefully. “You look so blissed out; it’s almost like you’re about to have an orgasm.” She adopted an exaggerated, hurt bunny look and I chuckled. So fucking adorable. “I thought I was the only one who could put that expression on your face, but now I see I have competition”—she raised a single eyebrow—“from a kitchen.”

I grinned at her and leaned down so my lips were at her ear, my words for her only. “Baby, nothing gets me off like you do, but I won’t pretend that the idea of fucking you in this kitchen doesn’t have me hard as a fucking rock.”

“Owen.” Fucking Jude interrupted our moment, and I glared at him. He stepped back at the sight of my fierce expression, but the moment lost some of its edge when Sienna sn

orted and patted my ass.

“Um—I wanted to introduce you to the—um, the crew and other judges,” Jude stuttered. We met the director and staff before heading to another room, the one set up for judging. There, we met the rest of the panel and unsurprisingly, Sienna charmed every single person we met.