Page 108 of The Yeah, Baby Series

“Seriously, Owen?” Sienna sighed and shook her head as she stood in the doorway of my office. “I was gone what”—she checked the slim black watch on her delicate wrist—“six hours and you’ve already moved me in? You think you could give me a minute to adjust to things before steamrolling me?”

I shrugged and stood, walking over to her and tugging her up against me. “Hi, baby,” I murmured before pressing my lips to hers. “How was your day? I missed you.”

She huffed even as she melted into me. “I don’t know what you’ve done to me, Owen. But, I missed you too.”

I grinned and kissed her once again, this time using my thumb to nudge her jaw down and sweeping my tongue inside to taste her. Her hands gripped my biceps tightly, and she moaned. My cock had been well aware that she was near, but he began to strain towards her, swelling to painful proportions.

After thoroughly ravishing her mouth, I pulled back and admired her glazed eyes, swollen lips, and pink cheeks. I nearly gave in to my urge to slam the door shut and take her up against it, but managed to check the impulse. I definitely filed it away on my growing list of ways I wanted to fuck her.

With a reluctant grunt, I put one hand on her belly and gently pushed her back into the hall. “Hungry?” I asked.

She nodded silently, still seeming dazed, which made me grin and wink at her. With a hand at her back, just above the curve of her round ass, I guided her out to the dining room.

When I hired Sienna, I’d embellished her duties a little but the truth was, I did need an assistant. Over our meal, we talked a little about the projects I wanted her help with. I was pleasantly surprised at her enthusiasm, and it stirred warm feelings in my chest. My belief that she was the one, that she was made for me, kept growing as I got to know her.

With full bellies, we returned to my office and got lost in work for a few hours. She was incredibly intelligent, and after the short time we’d been working, she’d already made some helpful suggestions for our marketing plan.

Eventually, James stuck his head in, startling me. I glanced at the clock and was shocked to see that it was after seven.

“You guys want some dinner?” he asked.

I shook my head then stood and stretched. “We’re heading out. I’ll make Sienna dinner at my place. Call me if you need anything”—I gave him a meaningful stare—“but the restaurant better be on fire if you’re going to disturb us.”

Sienna ducked her head, but not before I spied a dusting of pink on her cheeks.

James’ eyes were also on her and he stifled a laugh, clearing his throat to cover it. “Okay, I’ll see you both tomorrow. Enjoy your night.”

Once he was gone, Sienna unfolded out of her chair and faced me with her hands on her hips. “Do you have to advertise that I’ve moved in with you? People will think that this isn’t a professional relationship and that I’ll sleep with anyone to get ahead.”

I felt my expression darken and I wrapped my fingers around her arms, dragging her up against me. “First, this is so much more than a professional relationship, baby. And, no matter what your mouth is saying, your body already knows you’re mine. The fire in your eyes”—I let go of one arm to run a finger down her cheek—“your hard nipples pressing into my chest”—putting my hand at the center of her back, I molded our chests together—“and I’ll bet everything I own that you are drenched right now.” Her brown eyes were almost black, her lips puckered in a cute little O, and she was trembling slightly.

My hand slipped down and around to her front, into the waistband of her pants. When I encountered smooth, naked flesh, I closed my eyes and groaned. I dipped one finger into her slit and felt it immediately soaked in her arousal. She gasped and I took advantage of her state, crashing my mouth down over hers.

I had only meant to prove a point, but I was easily caught up in how she responded to me. Slowly at first, I started moving my finger in and out. Adding a second finger, I sped up, listening to her breathing grow rapid and shallow. She squirmed, her hips picking up my rhythm, a moan falling from her lips. She was close.

A noise in the hall reminded me where we were and that my office door was wide open. I would kill anyone who saw my girl coming, so I doubled my efforts and a few seconds later I swallowed her cries as she fell apart in my arms.

She went limp in my arms and I picked her up, sat in the chair she’d just vacated, and cradled her in my lap. Her breathing returned to somewhat normal and her eyes, which had been tightly closed, fluttered open.

I put my mouth next to her ear. “Second, I promise there will be no question in anyone else’s mind who you belong to and the only bed you’ll ever sleep in is mine.”

She shivered and I placed a kiss on the shell of her ear, then one on the top of her head. “Let’s go home, baby. We’ll make dinner together.”

“I swear, Owen. You do not want me anywhere near a kitchen,” she muttered.

I laughed and brushed my lips over her head again. “I’ll teach you to cook.”

She shook her head and looked up at me with a sardonic lift of an eyebrow. “I hope you have good insurance because I’m more likely to burn your house down than learn how to boil water.”



“To think, I thought you were exaggerating when you told me how bad you were in the kitchen,” Owen chuckled as we scraped our plates into the garbage can in the kitchen. I cringed as I glanced into the can and the burned dish towel at the top of the pile reminded me how my half-joke about insurance and burning his house down had almost become a reality.

“I did warn you,” I pointed out grumpily. I wasn’t a big fan of how I’d embarrassed myself in front of him earlier. When he’d asked me to check the pot of water to see if it was boiling, I’d been holding one of the kitchen towels. I’d turned too quickly and somehow the edge slipped under the pot, too close to the flame, and caught on fire. Instead of being my usual quick-thinking self, I’d frozen in shock and horror. If Owen hadn’t yanked the towel from my hand and shoved it under the faucet in the sink, I really might have burned his house down while boiling water.

“That you did.”

Seeing the laughter in those green eyes of his had me narrowing my own at him before I stomped over to the sink and rinsed my plate off, then shoved it into the dishwasher.

“Hey, now,” he murmured, wrapping his arms around me. “It’s nothing to be upset about.”

Being cradled against his chest took some of the sting out of my embarrassment since it didn’t seem to matter to him that I’d nearly set fire to his house.

“Give me a Bunsen burner in the lab, and I can do miraculous things with it. But a kitchen stove? Not so much.”

“We’ve got all the time in the world for me to teach you how to cook now that I’ve got you moved in.”

“About that.” I swiveled in his arms to look up into his gorgeous face. “You still haven’t explained what prompted you to box up all my things while I was in class. That was a little presumptive of you, don’t you think?”

His whole body stilled. “Maybe I just wanted to save you the hassle.”

I felt like there was some secret I wasn’t being let in on, and I didn’t like it. Not even a little bit. “You don’t think I’m really going to buy that excuse, do you?”

“Apparently not,” he sighed. “I guess that’s the downside to you being so damn smart. I’m not going to be able to keep anything from you, not even when it’s for your own good.”

“Damn straight you’re not going to be able to keep stuff from me,” I snapped. “I refuse to be left in the dark about anything important.” His lips parted, and I hurried to add, “Or anything. Period. If I’m going to work by your side, live in your house, then you’re going to be stuck sharing everything with me. Got it?”

“You drive a hard bargain, but I’ll take it.” He grinned widely as he lifted me off my feet and set me on the island countertop. “But since you insisted, I’ll share every last thing with yo

u, including my bed.” His head dipped and he claimed my lips in a passionate kiss that almost had me forgetting what we were talking about. “My body.” Another drugging kiss followed.

“I’m screwed,” I groaned when he lifted his head.

“Not yet, but you will be.” His green eyes gleamed with sensual promise, and I shivered. “But first, I owe you an explanation. And some dessert.”

“Explanation first. Dessert second,” I insisted.

“Your landlord’s son,” he started, his fist clenching tightly at his sides. My stomach fell, and I was suddenly glad that we’d had a light dinner since we’d enjoyed a late lunch at the restaurant. “He’s not a good guy.”

“Okay,” I whispered, trembling slightly.