Page 105 of The Yeah, Baby Series

“Thank you.” My voice came out breathy, so I cleared my throat and tried to sound more confident. “I know I don’t have any fine dining experience, but I think I’d be a great fit for Saphyre. I’m really good with people, I have a great memory, and my customers always seem to be happy with my service. My tips are pretty much always higher than any of the servers at Parisi’s.”

His brow wrinkled, but I couldn’t figure out what I’d said to warrant the reaction. “Probably because most of your customers are guys,” he mumbled.

My head jerked back in surprise, and I shook it figuring I had heard him wrong. “Pardon me?”

“Our menu is much more complex than what you’re accustomed to.”

I knew that wasn’t anything close to what he’d said, but there wasn’t a way to politely call him out on it. Plus, I was more than a little irritated at the inference that I couldn’t handle this job simply because I’d spent the last year serving pasta and tiramisu. “Yes, but I’ve already spent time memorizing it. From the roasted lamb loin with sautéed sweetbread and artichokes to the macaroons; I’m familiar with all of it.” He looked doubtful, but I was confident that I’d prepared enough for this interview that I could answer almost any question he asked about Saphyre’s menu. Considering all the hours I’d spent watching his show, I’d seen him prepare many of the dishes often enough that I’d already known what was in them. Heck, I could probably describe a lot of them using the exact same phrases he did.

He tilted his head to the side, and his lips tilted up again. Only this smile held a hint of challenge instead of the masculine approval from before. I mentally braced myself, and he started quizzing me. Dish after dish, he ran down the complete menu. As soon as I answered one question, he fired off another.

“Perfect.” He leaned back in his chair and rubbed his hands together. The panty melting grin was back again.

My heart raced with excitement. “Does that mean I’ve got the job?”

“No, I don’t want you to waitress for me. I don’t like the idea of you on your feet all night, carrying heavy trays.”

“Umm, what do you think I’ve been doing for the last year?”

“True,” he conceded. “But you didn’t work for me then.”

Say what?

“And I don’t work for you now if you’re not hiring me.” This time it was my brow that wrinkled. “Besides which, don’t you have food runners here? I thought your wait staff doesn’t even carry trays.”

“Sometimes they do.”

“Well then, I could do it sometimes, too. I’m stronger than I look.”

“It wouldn’t be safe for you to lift anything heavy when you’re pregnant.”

Was that why he’d looked at my boobs? Not because he was checking me out, but because he thought I was pregnant? How embarrassing. “But I’m not. I don’t even have a guy in my life,” I blurted out, as though he needed that additional information.

“That’s what you think.”

My head reared back in shock—again. I felt like I’d been dropped into some alternate universe. One where it was normal for a famous chef to interview a lowly waitress and for him to make crazy comments throughout the meeting.

Wait. Maybe that was it. I lifted my gaze and swiveled my head, scanning the room and looking for cameras. “Are you doing some new kind of show? Is that why you’re interviewing me instead of James.” He scowled at me, and I hurried to explain. “Like a mixture between Punk’d and Undercover Boss?”

He set my resume down, rose from his chair, and prowled around his desk until he was standing in front of me. There wasn’t a ton of room for him there because of where my chair was placed, so he was close enough that I swore I could feel the body heat coming off of him. I caught a whiff of his delicious scent, sandalwood and leather with a spicy undertone, and felt light-headed. He leaned down and put a hand on each armrest, caging me in.

“No, Sienna. You aren’t part of a new television show. Nor will you be a part of an old one since I’m done with my cooking show. The reason I’m interviewing you instead of James is because I have another position in mind for you.”

All kinds of dirty thoughts slammed into my head, and I struggled to stop myself from squirming in my seat. His green eyes filled with heat, and his nostrils flared. A deep blush filled my cheeks as I wondered if he could smell the dampness from my panties, and I pressed my legs together. He gave me a knowing grin, and his voice was raspy as he continued, “I’m making some big changes in my life, and I think you’re the perfect person to be at my side during them.”



“Um…” Sienna’s brow furrowed adorably. “Are we still talking about a job?”

My grin widened as I thought about my answer. Honesty wasn’t always the best policy, and I figured if I told her she was now mine and I would be getting her in my bed and knocked up as soon as possible, it might send her running. Not that I wouldn’t enjoy the chase, but I wanted to skip that part and go right to the good stuff that came when I caught her. Masking my intentions with a “job” seemed like my best bet.

“Of course. I have an opening that I think would be a much better fit than waitressing.” I stood up and stepped back, fighting every instinct I had to kiss away the wrinkles on her forehead. She was so fucking gorgeous it made my head spin. Even more than that though, her eyes showed an intelligence and wit that I’d seen glimpses of in our short time together.

“Well, you don’t want me cooking, believe me,” she stated with a smirk, and my head flew back in laughter.

“Noted,” I chuckled. “No, I’m in need of a personal assistant. Someone who will be with me and help me with the day to day. The pay is exponentially higher.” She leaned back in the chair, a contemplative expression on her face. When she crossed one slender leg over the other, causing her skirt to inch up, I blurted out, “It’s a full-time position and since you’ll need to be constantly available, room and board is included. You’ll live with me.”

“Oh.” Her perfect lips formed a cute little O and pink bloomed on her cheeks. “That’s not necessary, I have a place and—”

“It’s non-negotiable, Sienna.” My tone was hard, and her eyes narrowed.

“I’m not sure this is the right job for me, Mr. Walker. I waitress because I’m in school all day and it works with my schedule. So, if you aren’t interested in hiring me on to your wait staff—”

“I’ll work with your school schedule, baby,” I interrupted her, adopting a soothing tone. “But, the rest of your time will be taken up by me. And, my name is Owen, not Mr. Walker.” I quoted an absurd salary too, and her chocolate eyes practically bugged out before turning suspicious. I might have gone a little overboard with that number, but I was determined to make sure there was no way she would turn me down because I wasn’t taking no for an answer.

She opened her mouth to say something else—to argue, most likely—so I bent and took hold of her hands, pulling her quickly to her feet. “Let me show you around and introduce you to everyone.” Unable to resist, I ran my finger down her soft cheek and smirked when her eyes glazed for a moment. I loved that she was obviously as affected by me as I was by her.

Sienna sputtered for moment, but didn’t resist when I took her hand and guided her to the door of my office. I pulled it open and stepped out, keeping her hand firmly grasped in mine. “If I were to agree to this ridiculous offer”—I raised an eyebrow at her description, and she mirrored my expression making me want to laugh—“If I did, what would my responsibilities i

nclude, exactly?”

It took all of my will power not to sweep my eyes over her delectable little body before answering. “You’ll be assisting me on the business side of things.” I kept the explanation vague and changed the subject as we continued down the hallway. “What are you studying, baby?”

“I’m working on dual majors in Biology and Chemistry.” She cocked her head and her eyes narrowed, studying me. “I always wanted to be a mad scientist. Working for you might get me closer to my goal.”

I laughed at her retort and the smile that slid over my face was full of pride as I stepped into the kitchen with my woman in tow. I’d known she was smart after just a few seconds of being with her. But, Sienna was more than that, she was fucking perfect.

“Owen! Get this lunatic out of my kitchen!” Andy screeched, jumping out of James’ embrace the moment we entered the room. Her face was bright red, matching the flaming braids hanging over her shoulders from under her chef’s hat. The blush accentuated her freckles even more and made her look like she was a teenager rather than a woman in her late twenties.

James grinned wickedly and reached for her again but she tossed a spatula at him and he retreated, laughing heartily when it bounced off his forehead.

I’d gotten incredibly lucky with these two. I’d met them at a chef’s conference in L.A. and we’d immediately hit it off. I’d been in the first stages of planning Saphyre and after one day with them, learning their backgrounds and experience, I offered Andy the job as head chef. They were both unhappy with their current jobs and sick of L.A. So, they jumped at the chance to move, however, Andy wouldn’t accept the position unless I was willing to hire James as well. I wasn’t as confident in him, but he quickly proved himself and now I wouldn’t trust my baby in anyone else’s hands.

“Sienna, you’ve met James and this is my head chef, Andy.” I gave James a warning look before speaking again. “Sienna is going to be my new personal assistant.” His eyebrows shot up to his hairline, but he wisely kept quiet.