Page 51 of Graveyard Dog

“But they might if I illegibly change my name. Michael said so.”

“Michael said so, huh?”

Elwyn squinted at Emma and leaned closer, and Michael marveled at the reflection in Emma’s eyes. It wasn’t Elwyn but thousands of stars, as if she was a universe unto herself.

Izzy noticed, too. She glanced at Michael as though to confirm what she was seeing.

“And who is that inside of you?” Elwyn asked.

Emma squinted back, fascinated with what she saw. “That’s Celie. She’s from England but was in the Americas when she died. The land of reprobates andruffans.”

“Do you know what a ruffian is?” Elwyn asked, clearly holding back a laugh.

“Of course. It’s like a regular muffin but with more roughage. According to Celie, we Americansdo like our bran.”

Elwyn turned away from her while she fought a grin.

“Apparently, Celie didn’t appreciate muffins as much as I do when she was alive,” Emma continued. “Or asparagus. She hates asparagus.” She crinkled her nose. “I’m kind of with her on that one.”

“Well?” Michael asked Elwyn, waiting for the verdict.

“It’s a walk-in, all right,” she said, fascinated. “I’ve never seen one before. Not like this.”

“So, not a—?”

“No.” She shook her head, cutting him off before Emma—or more accurately, Celie—heard his thoughts. “Not that.”

Relief washed over him. He’d seen Eric go through what some would call an exorcism. He couldn’t imagine Emma going through that. He said softly under his breath, “Guess it’s your lucky day, intruder.”

“Or yours,” Emma said, then giggled—to creep him out, he was certain. She laid her head on his shoulder and was asleep in a matter of seconds.

“Benadryl,” Izzy explained.

“I heard. I’m so sorry, Izzy.”

“So, a war, huh?”

“No,” Michael said. “Not happening.”

“Wow.” Izzy put an index finger on her chin in thought. “If only I were a real girl and could make my own decisions.”

“Izzy,” he warned, and Elwyn laughed.

“I have to get home before anyone realizes I snuck out.”

“Damn it, Elle.” He glowered at her, hoping it would have some effect.

It did. She laughed, gave Izzy a hug, and left.

“Wait!” Michael called out to her. “How did you get here?”

Elwyn giggled and then was gone. Because of her particular form of travel, that meant a departed was nearby. He would never get used to that. There were just some things in life he didn’t need to know.

“That kid is going to be the death of me.”

“If you’ll put Emma to bed, I’ll shower first.”

“First?” he asked.