Page 34 of Graveyard Dog

“Doc,” Michael said, taking her hand, as well. “Thank you so much for coming.”

“Of course.” The gorgeous redhead scanned the plethora of agents that had taken over the small apartment. She had a medical kit slung over her shoulder. “Where is she?”

He pointed. “In the bedroom. This is her mom, Izzy.” Michael gestured to her.

Izzy stood to greet them.

“This is Donovan,” Michael said.

Though hesitant, Izzy shook his hand, and Michael realized he was wearing a leather Bandits bracelet. She couldn’t seem to look away.

“Ms. Walsh,” he said to her.

She finally tore her gaze from his wrist. “Izzy, please.”

Donovan agreed with a nod.

“This is my fiancée, Dr. Lucia Mirabal.”

“Sia,” she said, shaking Izzy’s trembling hand. “Can I see her? I just want to check her lungs and airway really quick.”

“Absolutely.” Clearly grateful, Izzy started to lead the way, but Donovan stopped her.

“Can I talk to you both for a minute? And you, too,” he said to Carson, who was standing back until all the introductions were made.

“I’ll just be a minute,” Sia said, patting Izzy’s palm. “You guys chat.”

Izzy hesitated again. She looked up at Michael. He shot her a smile that he hoped was reassuring and not lecherous. He’d never been great at smiles. Smirks, on the other hand…

“Of course,” Izzy said. Trust was not her strong suit, for good reason. “First door on the right.”

“Got it.” The doc’s smile radiated so much warmth, Michael considered turning on the AC. “I’ll take good care of her, Izzy.”

Izzy offered Sia a bashful, almost embarrassed grin. “Thank you.”

They went back to the kitchen table. Izzy sank into a chair as though exhaustion had taken hold. He could hardly blame her. It had been a long day. He could use a whiskey himself. The rest sat at the table, as well—Michael on Izzy’s right, Donovan across from her.

Donny stared at her, his expression full of sympathy. Michael had filled him in on as much as he could without betraying her ability. He simply implied that she had one, and that her ex would do anything to get it back. To getherback.

“I’m so sorry about what you’ve gone through today,” Donovan began.

“Thank you.”

“So, you think your ex is behind this?”

“Yes,” she said with a determined nod, a rebellious curl falling over her forehead. “I can’t imagine who else would do something like this.”

Donovan drew in a deep breath, a soft crease forming between his brows. “I called a good friend of mine from the North Carolina chapter and, I’m sorry, Izzy, but Ross Dunsworth died eight months ago.”

Once again, Izzy sat speechless. She pressed the fingertips of one hand to her mouth in thought. Michael imagined her brain was about to explode. He knew his was.

Carson checked her phone. “I just got the report. You’re right. Suspicious motorcycle accident, but they couldn’t prove any foul play.”

“My contact said he’d gotten on the Bandits’ bad side.” Donovan looked at Michael. “Theirverybad side.”

“Fire or knife?” Michael asked, referring to the removal of his club tats.

“Neither. He ran before it came to that. Went into hiding.”