Chapter Three
I’m still staring after her fading tail lights when I spot a man walking toward me. You can tell when someone is comingtoyou and not merely intending to pass by. And this guy is bee-lining.
Unsure what to expect, I frown at him as he approaches.
He’s almost vibrating with his eagerness. “You’re the man from the bank?”
Uh. How do I answer that?
“You tried to stop the robbery?” he clarifies.
Something about him doesn’t sit right. The sweat beading on his brow is one clue. The distended veins in his neck are another red flag. The color of his face is a little too red. His hands are clenched next to his thighs.
Body language 101 covers everything I’m seeing.
Choosing my words, I say, “I did. I need to file a police report, those gunshots were mine as I tried to disable the getaway car.”
If this guy had a magnifying glass, he’d be eyeballing me with it. “Yes, someone called me and told me about that. I knew right away that it must be the new tourist.”
Small town living. Of course a bank robbery and gunfire in town should be noteworthy.
“That’s me.”
He smiles, or attempts to smile, but it’s wooden and confined to his upper lip only. I’ve seen cats with better fake smiles. After that he just stares.
Okay. Weird. “I see you’re in the know about the happenings in Karma. Nice little town you’ve got here.”
“It is. We are very proud. It’s a regional hub, you know. All of the surrounding areas do their banking and shopping here. Our natural resources are renowned. The people are vibrant. Anyway, I’m going on and on. The hotel told me when you arrived.”
Odd. Now I’m even more interested in this guy. “I see, and who are you?”
“Mayor Marcus Flora.” His hand shoots out but he’s still wearing that half-angry, half-alarmed expression.
“Nice to meet ya.”
We shake. His grip is as unimpressive as plain macaroni noodles.
“Mr. Goodlove, what exactly brings you to Karma?”
He knows my name too. Interesting. Call it gut instinct, but I’m not going to reveal my purpose for being in his town. Not yet.
“Just some sightseeing, I heard you got great archeology sites. Besides that, I’ll be kicking around, vacationing. Maybe meeting some friends later who are down by the coast.”
I’m just rambling and he’s soaking in every word. Or looking for something between every line.
I take a step back. “Nice meeting ya. I’m going to try out one of your fine restaurants for brunch now.”
“Mr. Goodlove,” he stops me. “I’d like to provide a tour guide courtesy of Karma.”
“That’s not necessary. You know, GPS is remarkable these days.”
“No, I insist.”
My phone vibrates in my pocket, I reach in and grab it. The boss’s number is on the screen. “If you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to take this.”
“Of course. I’m also sending an invitation to a party at my home as well. It’s tonight and I think you’ll find it most interesting. Everyone will be there.”
I tip my chin as I hit accept on the phone. “Hey, give me a second.”