Page 82 of Stealth Mission

“Sitting guard on a hill that overlooks her farm. Besides that, I’ve been binge listening to material about agave farming.”

There’s a weird stretch of silence.

“First, I’m worried about your mental health. Not that that’s new. Second, is he still there?”

“Oh yeah. Fucker won’t let me step foot on her property. Little does he know I was all over it last night. I fixed her tractor. Had a slight run in with the guy that works for her, but we’re all good now.”

Beast whistles. “Wow. You’ve been busy.”

“I’m about to get busier.”

“I don’t like the sound of that. But back to Vik, what do you make of him not allowing you on her land?”

I squint as I scan the horizon. The farm truck that her employee uses is driving along the northern perimeter. “I’m not sure. It could be because of her father. Vik does work for him.”

“Is that all you know about him?”

“Pretty much. But get this, he’s got all kinds of military grade shit with him. You should have seen all the weapons he carried into her house.”

“No shit?”

I shake my head. “I kid you not, he’s got enough gear in there for a small army.”

“What is he up to?”

“I don’t know. But tonight I’m going in.”

This snaps my boss’s attention. “What do you mean going in?”

“He’s done.” I glare at the house.

“Fuck.” Beast blows out a breath causing the phone speaker to squelch. “I don’t know, brother. Give us a minute here so we know what you’re stirring up.”

“Time’s up. I don’t like this.”

“You think he’s keeping her against her will?”

“She was moving around in her house last night and this morning. But something’s off. He should be with his team at the mayor’s mansion, but he’s here.”

“What if this is his new assignment?”

Shit. I groan. “I thought about that.”

“Are you sure it’s smart to play this card right now?’

“What else have I got?”

He harrumphs. “Camile has some information for you.”

“Copy that, put her on.”

“Hey you.”

Hearing Camile’s voice is a kick in the gut. “I’m sorry, I was an ass.”

She makes a soft sound. “You have every right to be angry.”

“At myself.”