He bumps my shin with his boot. “I know what it feels like.”
“What about shut up didn’t you understand?”
He rumbles. It’s a sardonic laugh. “I understand it all. Every damned bit. But you can talk all you want. I’m not letting you swing in the wind on this. We’ll help you unravel it all.”
There is no unraveling.
“I fucked up in every way possible.” Grimacing, I press my thumbs into my temples. “Marianna had every right to kick me out and tell me she never wants to see me again.”
There’s a shuffle of feet. I don’t bother to lift my head or speak. I won’t have to. He’s going to say what he wants to say anyway.
“She’s had a tough day. I’m sure the anesthesia and pain meds aren’t helping. By tonight she’ll be?—”
“She’s still gonna be furious. And I hope like hell those drugs are helping her.” Chest aching, I fist my hands into my hair. “They might have actually dulled the pain of betrayal.”
Because that’s got to hurt like a bitch.
I let her think I was someone else, even when she let me inside her body.
With a growl, I punch the hood of the truck.
I wanted to tell her.
I sound deranged, strung out. Rubbing my knuckles, I huff out a breath. “I wanted to tell her before. But things happened so fast.”
Scout leans against the truck. His weight makes it rock. “Can’t say I’ve been there, Ev… But I can tell you you’re wrong to let her go without a fight.”
“You want a fight? Cause I’ve got plenty of it in me right now.” I mule kick his thigh.
He grunts as he shoves me back. “Dickhead. You need to talk to Camile, too. Time to man up. She feels like shit and I’m not letting you make her feel that way.”
As mad as I am, none of it is directed at Camile. I blow out a breath and shake out my hands.
Get yourself under control, Evan.
“I know. I don’t want her to feel bad. I caused this disaster. All alone.”
Somehow, I finally drag myself upright, only to turn around and lean my ass against the fender next to Scout. I don’t trust myself to move from this spot. I have no idea what this fury smoldering in my gut is going to make me do.
I understand now how people in love do crazy shit. Like haunt a place they’ve been evicted from.
The hospital parking lot is buzzing with activity. Ambulances. People coming and going. A helicopter is landing on the same pad where Justice landed the chopper carrying Marianna.
Outside, everything is business as usual.
Inside, I’m swimming in pain that I don’t know how to fix. But worse than that is the pain I caused Marianna.
“Fuck. I can’t believe…I almost got her blown up.”
A solid punch lands on my arm, knocking me sideways, making me fall into Scout.
Who proceeds to shove me back upright.
Beast is glowering at me shaking out his hand. “We all know what happened. But we are not going to sit here and let you wallow in your misery, so straighten your spine and let’s make a plan.”