Page 162 of Stealth Mission

Marianna’s eyes are a mile wide when Luke and Marshall walk out. “Did that just happen or did I have the weirdest dream in the history of humankind?”

“Agile rolls like that.”

Looking stunned still she nibbles on her lip. “You have a sister?”

“Not legally.”

That makes her frown but she doesn’t ask more. “Why do you need to go home?”

“Mike, the man who raised me, is sick. He’s got cancer.”

She lurches forward and gives me a fierce hug because that’s the kind of woman she is. “When are we going?”

“Tonight if that’s okay with you.”

“That’s perfect.” She presses the deed against my chest. “I guess we’re going to need to get engaged.”

“Are you ready?”

She leans up and kisses me. “This is crazy. All of it. But when your soul finds its mate you can’t deny it. I know, Evan. I know it’s you. I’m ready and willing.”

Soul. Mate.

That’s what this crazy, unshakeable feeling is.

“Beautiful, you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”

I take her mouth, desperate to taste her. She welcomes me, holds me, surrendering, yet holding me captive.

I’m somewhere far away from her office, lost in bliss when someone interrupts.

“Hey lovebirds!”


Justice is standing in the doorway.

“What?” I grouse. “Can’t you see I’m kissing my fiancée-to-be?”

That gets his attention. He flashes a bright grin. “Okay, well then. But we need your help before you go running off. Marianna, do you know that cave system by Peter’s house?”

She leans back and looks his way. “My friends and I played in those caves a lot when I was a kid, but it’s a massive network. There are huge rooms and dozens of tunnels, it goes deep intothe mountain with several openings. I’ll help, but there are some other people that know the caves far better.”

Justice’s expression turns to relief. “So, someone could be trapped in there and survive the floods?”

She covers her mouth as her eyes widen. “Maybe…”

Justice backs toward the hallway. “Good, we’re going to get a cave diving team in there to look for MZ and we’d like for you to talk us through what you know.”

She pulls out of my arms and takes my hand. “Let’s do it, we should have plenty of time before we leave for the airport.”

I tug her hand until she stops. “What did I do to deserve you?”

Her soft smile makes my throat sting.

She pushes a finger into my breastbone. “You rushed in to try to stop a bank robbery. You threw your body over me during an explosion. You watched over me while I slept. You were going to burn the world down because someone hurt me.”

I stand locked in place as she flattens her hand over my sternum. “It’s your lion’s heart, Evan. And I know you’ll always be there for me. I love you. Now let’s move. We’ve got work to do.”