Page 15 of Stealth Mission

Interesting as in he needs to know what I’m up to.

I’m onto him.

Keep friends close and your enemies closer.

My justification for not telling him why I’m in Karma is growing bigger by the minute.

“Well, I guess we got that in common. Music too. I like your salsa band.”

I catch the flare in Marianna’s eyes before she speaks. “You know how to salsa?”

“I can hold my own.” Thanks to a bet I lost while I was in the SEALs and the dozen ballroom dance classes I had to take.

I can’t tell if my revelation makes the mayor more curious or adds another burr to his side. His constipated expression is hard to decipher.

He turns his attention to the woman next to me. “So, you’re acquainted with Mr. Goodlove, I see.”

Her face ices over. “We met at the bank. He was most impressive in his attempt to stop the robbery.”

After they stare at each other silently for a beat with something nasty crackling in the air between them, he swings his focus back my way. His jaw is tight, the muscles ticking there. “What really brings a man likeyouto Karma, Goodlove?”

I point at myself. “A man like me? Not sure what you mean.”

The look he gives me is calculating at best, hatred at worst. “You’re not the average tourist or real estate investor.”

“Aww, now I think you’ve got that wrong. I’m just like anyone else that wants to enjoy beautiful places.”Not a lie.“And that’s what you’ve got here. Vandemora is gorgeous. I like wild places.”

And things.

He swirls his glass. “Marianna will be your tour guide while you’re here. I’m sure you’ll find her company invaluable.”

Something hits my foot, and I glance down to find Marianna’s blue purse on the ground. There’s a shocked look on her face and she tries to hide it as she reaches down.

I capture her bag, picking it up before she can. “Here you go, ma’am.”

She won’t meet my eyes. Instead, she cuts a deadly look toward the man.

Okay. Guess she isn’t onboard with that program.

Time to save her.

“Well, Mayor, I sure appreciate the offer, but it’s not necessary. I’m quite capable of taking care of myself.”

Marianna tucks her hand in the crook of my elbow and tugs me forward. “Actually, this is a really good idea. I’d like to get a drink now, and we can plan the itinerary for tomorrow.”

Alright. Now I’m even more confused.

“That asshole,” she hisses as she tugs me across the veranda. “I’m so mad I want to kick something.”

“What just happened back there?”

“Manipulation, that’s what just happened. He wants me to watch you and if I’m not the one doing it, he’s going to have someone else tail you.”

I pull her to a stop, angling her so the crowd can’t see her. “Take a breath, sweetheart. You do not have to worry about me. When I said I was capable of taking care of myself, I meant it.”

Rubbing her arm, I try to soothe the worry from her expression. “I’m sorry he sprang that on you. I can see that the idea upset you, and I wouldn’t want you to show me around if that’s not something you want to do. I wish that wasn’t the case because I’d like nothing more than to spend some time with you, but that’s for selfish reasons.”

For a beat she looks hurt. When her eyes skate away from me there’s something sad in her gaze. “You shouldn’t want to spend time with me, Mr. Goodlove. Nothing good can come of that. Think of it like getting caught in a spiderweb.”