No. I’m… I’m going to save her from me.
Sad as fuck, I reply, “No. It’s… complicated.”
Lana’s the smartest person I know, she’s also a world class attorney so she’s one hell of an interrogator. “Evan Walker, you think she’s too good for you, don’t you?”
“I think she wouldn’t understand why I can’t let go of the anger.”
“You’re so wrong.”
I stare through the windshield and try to press visions of Marianna out of my head. “Look, I’m working, I have to go.”
She makes a growling sound. “I’m coming to find you, Evan. I know who you work for. Watch your back, because I don’t give a damn where you are. I’m not letting my older brother live in hell by himself any longer. This has gone on for far too many years.”
I chuckle darkly at her warning. “Lana, I didn’t know you were a mamabear.”
She’s not laughing.
“I’m no mamabear, I’m a wolverine.”
“There are no wolverines in Alabama.”
“No, but we don’t grow wilting daisies down here. You are the one that taught me that. I still have a killer good left hook.”
“I’m sure you do. Look, I gotta go. I’ll come home and see Mike as soon as I can. I’ll call him tonight. Promise.”
“I’m serious, Evan. Just because your momma threw you away doesn’t mean shit. One man’s trash is another man’s treasure. And my dad and I got the treasure. Now go kick ass as you always do. I better see you on my front porch soon or this Alabama wolverine is coming huntin’.”
She hangs up on me.
I spend the next ten minutes crying like a fucking child.
Chapter Fifty-Six
When I blow into the kitchen like a hurricane all eyes snap my way.
“Where is he?”
A whole room full of muscle heads look at me with coffee cups half-way to their mouths.
My volume goes up. “Scout, where is he?”
A fury builds inside of me so sharp, it's a wonder I don’t tear the room apart like a tornado.
“He left and you idiots didn’t go with him?”
Finally a reply. “Justice is tailing him.”
Fist clenched, I stalk forward. “Tailing him? You didn’t stop him? He was unhinged!”
Scout’s sharp gaze remains on me. “The conversation needs to be had.”
“Conversation…” My voice is shrill. “He’s going to commit murder. M.U.R.D.E.R. Don’t you care?!?”
“That’s why Justice is following him.”
“So what? He can ask Evan nicely to not kill the man who betrayed me? Justice is too nice. Scout, you should have gone. What about you, Vik?!?”
I turn my fury on the mountain-sized man. “You! You should have stopped him.”