And s-snakes.
“Evan. Evan!” My voice shoots up ten octaves and I don’t give a damn that the whole forest might hear me. The most venomous snake in Vandemora is slithering across my arm.
Chapter Forty-Nine
The jungle seemingly goes silent, all sounds drowned by my panic. A forked tongue flickers out of the snake’s mouth as it casually moves along Marianna’s arm. “Do not move. Don’t even breathe on him.”
Her leg is trembling against mine.
“Hold still. He’s going to move on.”
Marianna’s rough swallow is audible.
“That’s it, baby girl, hold on. He’s not paying any attention to you.”
When the fer-de-lance’s black and brown body slides off Marianna’s arm, down into the leaves next to her side, it speeds away. Quickly disappearing into the foliage several yards from us.
The lump in my throat finally recedes enough for me to breathe. “It’s safe. He’s gone.”
Her head drops to her arm as her body sags. “I might have died a little. Thank god he just took off.”
I grab her and pull her into my side, pressing my face against her neck. “You’re fucking amazing, Mari. I love you.”
With a shaking hand she grips my neck. “Oh my god. My life flashed before my eyes and it wasn’t impressive. I just gotta say, I’m gonna stick to farming. I’m not cut out for this kind of work.”
I suck in a breath, drawing her scent deep into me. “I don’t know, you sure seem to be tougher than most men I know.”
She clings to me for a few seconds.
I kiss her temple, and get a taste of the greasepaint she’s wearing. “Now we’ve got work to do.”
She shakes her head and laughs softly. “I can’t believe I didn’t wet my pants.”
“Wouldn’t be the first time someone did. I’m pretty sure I would have if that snake had been looking me in the eye.”
“I couldn’t have done it without you. I could feel how calm you were. I don’t know how it happened, but this wave of confidence just washed over me. It’s you.” She leans into me, resting her head against my shoulder. “You’re like my anchor.”
A tremble starts in my quads and hits my gut then climbs up into my throat. I don’t think she notices because Marianna pulls away from me. Puffs out her cheeks, blows out a shaky breath and rubs her hands over her face, smearing the paint. “Of all the scary things that have happened this week, that might take the cake.”
“I think you’re right. I’ll take bad guys and guns any day.”
Scrunching her nose, she looks at her gloves. “Oops!”
I chuckle as she carefully lowers herself back to the ground.
As she settles in she picks up the scope. “Let’s hope this doesn’t take too much longer. I want to go home.”
“You and me both. I’ve got plans for us that involve a nice long shower, lots of soap, and locking us in your bedroom for the next week.”
Ugh. I don’t have a week. I’m supposed to be working.We have a harvest coming soon.
She lowers her scope and looks over at me. “Evan…”
“Aren’t you supposed to be looking down there at the action?”
My voice is rough. “I know, but you’re distracting. It’s hard to stop looking at you.”