Page 125 of Stealth Mission

I squeeze her to me with a warm glow pulsing inside my chest. “As much as I want to stand here holding you until the sun comes up, you’re gonna need to get dressed. The guys are here.”

When I set her away from me she clings to my arms with her brows pinched in confusion. “Who are you talking about?

“Ahem.” A loud clearing throat behind me makes my spine snap straight and my head swivel around.

“You better cover your eyes now, motherfucker!” My patience is GONE.

Vik smirks as light from the hallway spills around his massive frame. “Such a grouch. No appreciation.”

Burying her face in my chest, Marianna hides from him.

Everything about Marianna being naked and damp, with Vik standing in her bedroom door is pissing me the fuck off. “I’m serious, Viktor, get lost.”

“We’re rolling in five. Either you’re in or you’re out.”

No hesitation to my reply. “I’m in.”

He tips his chin, and spins around. His heavy feet clunk on the floor as he returns to the kitchen where I left him a moment ago.

Where he should have stayed. The asshole.

I reach an arm out and slam the bedroom door closed. Then I lock it for good measure. “Come on. Let’s get you dressed.”

Marianna, still a little dazed, wanders around her bedroom for a minute. When I flip on the light on the nightstand, she freezes in the middle of the floor.

We stare at each other.

Clearly, both of us are jacked with angsty energy.

Twisting her hands together, she shifts from foot to foot. “I’m trying to figure out what’s going on.”

“We did have an intruder.” I move to the dresser and start jerking open drawers. “Vik had just pulled up here when he caught sight of someone exiting out of your side door.”

She catches a black T-shirt I toss at her even though her mouth is hanging open in disbelief. “Someone was really in the house?”

“Yes, but he was already outside by the time I went after him.”

The leggings I toss her way land short and hit the floor because they are not aerodynamic at all.

She bends to snag them. “What happened after that?”

“Vik and I chased him, but he managed to disappear in the dark. He circled around and got on a motorcycle he had stashed.”

“I thought I heard a chainsaw.” She points to the bottom drawer. “Bra…and panties.”

“No chainsaws, but it would have been entertaining to see Vik chasing him with one.”

I jerk on the knob and freeze when I see the explosion of colorful silk and lace.

Well, now!My head fills with visions that I don’t have time for. “You like lingerie, babe?”

“Guilty as charged.”

I groan and stare at the ceiling as I try not to think about her in those sexy little snips of fabric. She’s laughing as I fish around, muttering, until I land on the shape of a bra. Then grab the firstpair of panties my hand lands on. “Sorry, no matching right now. I’m running on adrenaline and that only amps up my libido. We don’t have time for me to fuck you until you pass out.”

She looks mischievous as hell when she catches both pieces of lingerie. “Pass out… I’ll remember that. Maybe you can rip them off me later.”

A growl forms in my throat. “Marianna…”