Page 21 of Covert Mission

I’m here on a serious mission. There’s a disaster outside that door. People’s lives are broken and destroyed.

Yet, here I am, going nose to nose with a man who’s got my insides glowing with need. A man who wants to send me packing and will cost me my job.

But my body is pulsing with need from my clit to my nipples when it hasn’t done that in an eon.Okay maybe never.

I am a freaking mess. Maybe he’s right. Maybe it is heatstroke.

Because the man is like a magnet.

I don’t know how magnets work, nor do I understand my fascination with this overgrown barbarian. But something inside of me is clearly pleased with that wild look in his eyes.

He bites out his next words. “Brought you here because obviously you’ve had too much heat. You’re not thinking clearly.”

You think?

I’m not sure where the laugh starts, but it feels like it’s deep in the pit of my stomach.

Maybe even in my womb, but it rolls up through me and throws my head back.

It’s loud and unladylike.

You see, I laugh when I’m stressed. Nervous. In over my head. Even laughed when the neighborhood boys used to punch me. It scared them. They’d run off.

Seemingly, I laugh when I’m about to collapse from heat overload too.

Only Beast, isn’t so easily scared off as those pre-teen boys were.

My bad luck.


I’ve seen some weird shit. I’ve done a lot of weird shit, but I’ve got to say watching Camile sprawled out on my bed laughing her freaking head off is making me uncomfortable.

“You alright, ma’am?”

“No.” She squeezes her eyes shut. “I’m not well.”

I reach for her forehead.

She knocks my hand away. Her laughing grows louder. More maniacal.

This goes on for an uncomfortable amount of time.

“Babe, you need a medic? We’ve got a designated one on the team. I can radio and get him in here. I’ll get you an IV.”

She sits up. Her shoulders heave with a heavy sigh. “No. I do not need a medic. I need you to leave me alone. You’re making me crazy. Do you see what you just caused?”

My right brow hitches up. “That’s a stretch.”

She adjusts her shirt, dragging the damn fabric over her tits. “Is it a stretch? I mean, you are the one that dragged me in here and started doctoring me because you don’t like my determination.”

“Whoa. I didn’t say I don’t like your determination.”

She pins me with her gaze.

Those eyes snare me.

She’s got soulful eyes.